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教学过程中发现左侧睾丸副动脉,细致解剖,结果左侧睾丸动脉、副动脉出现率、行程与肾蒂的关系均为少见型,故报道如下。 左睾丸动脉于左肾静脉下方1.0cm由腹主动脉前外侧壁出发,起始处外径1.2mm,于肾静脉与肾动脉之间穿行向上,勾绕左肾静脉上缘,由其前方下降,经腰大肌前面斜向外下方走行,穿腹股沟管进入阴囊内经睾丸门入睾丸实质。 Teaching process found in the left testis, detailed anatomy, the results of the left testicular artery, the incidence of secondary arteries, stroke and renal pedicle are rare type of relationship, it is reported as follows. The left testis artery 1.0cm below the left renal vein proceeding from the anterolateral lateral wall of the abdominal aorta, starting at an outer diameter of 1.2mm, traversing between the renal vein and the renal artery, hooking around the upper edge of the left renal vein, falling from the front , By the psoas muscle in front of diagonally below the walk, the inguinal canal into the scrotum through the testis into the testes parenchyma.
(续上期)2-3-1101果汁澄清剂。101果汁澄清剂用于玉屏风口服液澄清与1990版药典醇沉工艺比较(24),其总固体物、黄芪甲甙、多糖、总氨基酸的4种成分含量前者分别为19-975%、7-67mg/10ml、21-38mg/10ml、277-5μg/ (Continued) 2-3-1101 Jui
清晰地规划目标是人生走向成功的第一步,但塑造自我却不仅限于规划目标。要真正塑造自我和自己想要的生活,我们必须奋起行动。莎士比亚说得好:“行动胜过雄辩。” 一旦掌握自我
时下,看病难、住院难、手术难得到缓解。然而,有的药价上涨了一倍乃至多倍。和十多年前相比,群众看病费用确实高了。 医疗费用上涨,其上涨幅度已经超出同期物价上涨的指数,
新进人员,不管是谁,一旦开通,工作,上司和前辈们都会教他们如何工作。一个公司内,有各式各样的上司和前辈,指导工作时,非常切中要点,态度又很亲切,会细心调教自己的部下,相反的,也有的上司在人格方面不健全,不肯尽力帮助部下。  这两者之间,你说到底哪个好?跟随哪一类上司更理想?这是值得思考的事。  以一般常理来说,跟着优秀的前辈走是上策,好处还不限于工作方面。不管是什么事,跟着好的指导者、好的老师,你
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Today is a suny day. The weather is pretty good. There are a lots of children in the park.  Look! That girl is playing with her friends under the tree. They are singing and dancing. They look very hap
在社交艺术中,有一条经验为:沉默是金。而家庭内,特别是夫妻间,如果也“不苟言笑”,或感到“无话可说”,那你就该警惕了:两个人的感情是不是出现了危机? 我觉得有老婆的好处,就是半夜