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In this paper exit.bend angle(tea-pot effect)has been analysed theoretically based on thebasic)aw of hydromechanics.It was proved that it is the transverse shear stress that causes exitbend angle while the bending direction is along with the resultant for
In this paper, a quantitative analysis of the opening quality in friction spinning and its main ef-fecting factors is first made. Upon this basis the Box-Hunter
阅读是小学语文教学的中心。从古至今,人们都强调阅读的重要性。但读书不应以量取胜,而是重在感悟。开阔学生的视野、丰富学生的知识、培养小学生的阅读能力是阅读之要义,激发阅读兴趣、培养阅读习惯、增强阅读能力、形成阅读感悟是阅读教学之内涵。开拓小学语文阅读教学新思路,是培养小学生语文素养的有效途径。  一、激发阅读兴趣  兴趣是最好的老师。对小学生来说,阅读兴趣才是语文学习的敲门砖。尤其是小学低年级段的学
第一关:填颜色补充诗句  1.黑云翻( )未遮山, ( )雨跳珠乱人船。(苏轼《六月二十七日望湖楼醉书》)  2.山外( )山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休?(林升《题临安邸》)  3.等闲识得东风面,万( )千( )总是春。(朱熹《春日》)  4.( )日依山尽, ( )河人海流。(王之涣《登鹤雀楼》)  5.一年好景君须记,最是橙( )橘( )时。(苏轼《赠刘景文》)  6.千里( )云( )日曛,北
CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) is a highly efficient abrasive and has unique properties (highhardness, high thermal stability and high chemical inertia). As early as
A new approach to the hydrogen bond strength distriubtion has been developed based on thehydrogen bond strength distribution model proposed by Coleman et al. By
The low stress mechanical properties of a pure wool and a wool / polyester blend twill fab-rics which were abraded at various abrasion cycles were measured usin
1.熊貓原来叫“猫熊”  大熊猫的学名其实叫“猫熊”,意即“像猫一样的熊”,也就是说“本质类似于熊,而外貌却相似于猫”。严格地说,“熊猫”是错误的名词。这一“错误的答案”是这么造成的:解放前,四川重庆北碚博物馆曾经展出猫熊标本,说明牌上自左往右横写着“猫熊”两字。可是,当时报刊的横标题习惯于自右向左认读,于是记者们便在报道中把“猫熊”误写为“熊猫”。“熊猫”一词经媒体广为传播,说惯了,也就很难纠正
In the paper,a new method for the measurement of the dynamic transmission crror of preci-sion hobbing machines using only one sensor is proposed.The dynamic tra