Hollywood blockbusters break into India 好莱坞大片闯入印度

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  1. encroach /?奘n?謖kr?藜?尬t?蘩/ v. 侵占
  2. franchise /?謖fr?覸nt?蘩a?奘z/ n. 特许经营权
  3. dub /d?蘧b/ v. 配音
  4. smash /sm?覸?蘩/ n. 十分走红的电影
  5. instalment /?奘n?謖st?蘅?蘼lm?藜nt/ n. (电影的)一部
  Hollywood superheroes are muscling in on the Indian box office, the world?蒺s biggest by tickets sold, helping US studios encroach on Bollywood?蒺s local dominance. The fourth?鄄quarter ticket sales for US films in India were up 114 percent on a year earlier while Bollywood?蒺s box office take rose only 34 percent, according to Emkay.
  American films have long struggled to make a splash in India, where Mumbai?鄄based Bollywood and other regional film industries pump out more than 1,000 films a year.
  But the rise of franchises such as Walt Disney?鄄owned Marvel?蒺s Avengers or Warner Bros subsidiary DC?蒺s Batman has ushered in a boom in audiences for big?鄄budget Hollywood productions.
  Hollywood films took 10 percent of India?蒺s box office in 2018, up from just 3 percent a decade earlier, according to EY?蒺s most recent figures. That share is expected to have risen in 2019 thanks to Avengers: Endgame, among the country?蒺s highest?鄄ever grossing films.
  “Hollywood is taking India very seriously because it?蒺s disproportionately big,” said GV Giri, head of research at brokerage IIFL. There?蒺s “a greater eagerness of big franchises to lock up deals in India and have more publicity and more campaigns”.
  India?蒺s young population, rising incomes and the spread of multiplex chains have encouraged US studios to invest more in the market.
  Studios such as Paramount and Universal now dub their films not only into Hindi but to other regional languages such as Tamil. Lionsgate, which is behind franchises such as The Hunger Games, has followed US rivals in opening an office in India.
  But industry analysts said that apart from superhero smashes and select animations such as Disney?蒺s Lion King remake, other types of American films still struggle. For drama and comedy, Indian audiences prefer local productions with familiar stars and themes.
  Despite the boom in ticket sales, revenues for Hollywood?蒺s biggest releases remain tiny in India compared with the US or neighbouring China, where the latest Avengers instalment raked in roughly 10 times more.
  The average ticket price at an Indian single?鄄screen theatre in 2018 was $0.70, against almost $10 in the US. Tickets in China typically cost about $5?鄄$6.   The larger opportunity for the US studios lies in using the popularity of their films for other areas of commerce such as merchandise sales, according to Rakesh Jariwala, media and entertainment partner at EY in Mumbai.
  Indian studios have also fought off encroaching Hollywood heavyweights with a flurry of their own epic blockbusters. The 2017 sequel to the historical battle movie Baahubali, for example, became one of the highest grossing Indian films of all time.
  Given India?蒺s young population, Mr Giri expects the focus on action and special effects to pay off for both local and international studios.
  “When I was a kid I couldn?蒺t get more than one movie in a decade on superman,” he said. “This would have been a dream for us... Today?蒺s kids have it all laid out for them.”
  1. What percentage did Hollywood films take of India?蒺s box office about ten years ago?
  A. 30%. B. 10%. C. 7%. D. 3%.
  2. What makes US studios invest more in Indian market?
  A. Indians?蒺 demand. B. Indians?蒺 rising incomes.
  C. Flexible marketing strategies. D. Hollywood?蒺s biggest releases.
  3. In industry analysts?蒺 opinion, what can we infer about American films except select animations and superhero smashes?
  A. They aren?蒺t appreciated very much. B. They gain good recognition.
  C. Their ticket prices are high. D. They are only popular among adults.
  4. Which of the following is one of the most popular Indian films?
  A. Avengers: Endgame.
6月一来,又到了时装周的季节。有一阵,看秀时,老有人问我,你觉得怎么样?我每次都嗯嗯啊啊对付过去。有一次,实在是绕不过去了,那是在巴黎一家老餐馆的长桌上,在上主菜之前的空隙,对面的女士又一次抛出~-8问题。她笑眯眯地托着下巴,饶有兴致地等着。左手边的男士也放下了刀叉。  于是我问左边那位,看过《权力的游戏》吗?他点点头。  我说,还记不记得第一季开头,小恶魔提利昂去绝境长城撒尿的故事,他去那儿其实
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【摘 要】  本研究揭示了超媒体注释对我国大学生英语阅读及其词汇习得的积极作用,并用具体的实验在多种不同位置的注释中测试出多媒体英语阅读环境中词汇注释的最佳原则为“就近注释”。该实验结果也进一步验证了梅耶基于多媒体学习认知理论所提出的“临近呈现原则”同样适用于外语学习环境,为多媒体阅读环境中进行英语教学、多媒体阅读材料的开发及多媒体注释软件的设计提供了有益的借鉴。  【关键词】 超媒体注释;阅读理