Two novel antimicrobial peptides from skin venoms of spadefoot toad Megophrys minor

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangrong87
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Amphibian skin contains rich bioactive peptides. Especially, a large amount of antimicrobial peptides have been identified from amphibian skin secretions. Antimicrobial peptides display potent cytolytic activities against a range of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and play important defense roles. No antimicrobial peptides have been reported from toads belonging to the family of Pelobatidae. In this work, two novel antimicrobial peptides(Megin 1 and Megin 2) were purified and characterized from the skin venoms of spadefoot toad Megophrys minor(Pelobatidae, Anura, Amphibia). Megin 1 had an amino acid sequence of FLKGCWTKWYSLKPKCPF-NH2, which was composed of 18 amino acid residues and contained an intra-molecular disulfide bridge and an amidated C-terminus. Megin 2 had an amino acid sequence of FFVLKFLLKWAGKVGLEHLACKFKNWC, which was composed of 27 amino acid residues and contained an intra-molecular disulfide bridge. Both Megin 1 and Megin 2 showed potential antimicrobial abilities against bacteria and fungi. The MICs of Megin 1 against Escherichia coli, Bacillus dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Candida albicans were 25, 3, 6.25, 3, and 50 μg·m L~(-1), respectively. The corresponding MICs for Megin 2 were 6.25, 1.5, 12.5, 1.5, and 12.5 μg·m L~(-1), respectively. They also exerted strong hemolytic activity against human and rabbit red cells. The results suggested that megin peptides in the toad skin of M. minor displayed toxic effects on both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. This was the first report of antimicrobial peptides from amphibians belonging to the family of Pelobatidae. Especially, a large amount of antimicrobial peptides have been identified from amphibian skin secretions. Antimicrobial peptides display potent cytolytic activities against a range of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and play important defense roles. No antimicrobial peptides have been reported from toads belonging to the family of Pelobatidae. In this work, two novel antimicrobial peptides (Megin 1 and Megin 2) were purified and characterized from the skin venoms of spadefoot toad Megophrys minor (Pelobatidae, Anura, Amphibia). Megin 1 had an amino acid sequence of FLKGCWTKWYSLKPKCPF-NH2, which was composed of 18 amino acid residues and contained an intra-molecular disulfide bridge and an amidated C-terminus. Megin 2 had an amino acid sequence of FFVLKFLLKWAGKVGLEHLACKFKNWC, which was composed of 27 amino acid residues contained Both Megin 1 and Megin 2 showed potential antimicrobial abilities against The MICs of Megin 1 against Escherichia coli, Bacillus dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Candida albicans were 25, 3, 6.25, 3 and 50 μg · m L -1, respectively. The results suggested that megin peptides in the toad skin, respectively. MICs for Megin 2 were 6.25, 1.5, 12.5, 1.5, and 12.5 μg · m L -1, respectively. They also exerted strong hemolytic activity against human and rabbit red cells. of M. minor displayed toxic effects on both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. This was the first report of antimicrobial peptides from amphibians belonging to the family of Pelobatidae.
本文探讨“任务型”教学途径下,如何在语境中创设语言任务,帮助培养学生综合运用语言的能力。并就任务型语言教学课堂教学基本环节进行了阐述。 This article explores how
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红杉Sequoia semperiens(lamb)kndi原产美国加利福尼亚的西太平洋沿岸,是世界著名的速生用材树种,木材坚韧,轻重适中,不翘不裂,耐腐耐湿,木材可供制作精细家具及造船等。197
摘要 语文作为一门工具性的学科,其目的是让学生将所学的知识运用到生活中去,同时,生活也是学习语文的主要源泉和课堂教学生活化的延伸。为此,语文教学应该贴近生活、联系实际,实现识字、阅读、写作、口语交际等教学方面的生活化。  关键词 语文生活化 生活语文化 实践 工具  顾黄初先生在《语文教学要贴近生活》一文中指出:“语文是在生活的广阔天地里频繁运用的重要工具,要教学生掌握好语文工具,我们的