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一、引言在激光模拟直射武器瞄准射击训练与战术演习技术中,模拟器大体可以分成两大部分: 1.模拟发射武器操作过程和发射武器弹道的装置,即发射器。 2.发射器发射的激光脉冲信号被接收并显示命中情况,即接收显示器。在模拟器用激光实现模拟弹丸飞行的过程中,要如实可靠地反映弹丸——即脉冲激光束是否命中目标,而不受外界条件(如日光、电磁、振动)的影响,即模拟器的可靠性,除模拟器本身(如电器、光学系统等)工作稳定外,主要取决于接收器的抗干扰能力。实践证明,如果此问题解决得不好,严重时可使模拟器完全失去使用价值。因此,抑制干扰便成为 I. INTRODUCTION In the laser direct firearms targeting shooting training and tactical exercises, the simulator can be roughly divided into two parts: 1. Simulating the process of launching a weapon and the device that launches the weapon’s trajectory, that is, the transmitter. 2. Laser transmitter laser pulse signal is received and shows the hit situation, that is, to receive the display. Simulator in the process of using laser to simulate projectile flight, to be truthful and reliable reflection of the projectile - whether the pulsed laser beam hit the target, without external conditions (such as sunlight, electromagnetic, vibration), that is, the reliability of the simulator , Except the simulator itself (such as electrical appliances, optical systems, etc.) work stable, mainly depends on the receiver’s anti-interference ability. Practice has proved that if this problem is not well resolved, serious simulator can completely lose the use value. Therefore, to suppress interference has become
最近,几个类似的协议[J。抉择。B 4 (2002 ) 380;Phys。Lett。一 316 (2003 ) 159;Phys。Lett。一 355 (2006 ) 285;Phys。Lett。一 336 (2005 ) 317 ] 为遥远地准备 multi-qubit
基于这个概念断热不变,不安到 Mei 对称和 Noether 为 Birkhoffian 系统的断热的 invariants 被学习。为没有不安的系统的 Mei 对称的准确 invariants 被给。到 Mei 对称的不
<正> In this paper,by introducing a new transformation,the bilinear form of the coupled integrable dispersionless(CID) equations is derived.It will be shown tha
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