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19世纪80年代,德国人戴姆勒将内然机装在三轮车上,世界上第一台?气车诞生了!然而,令汽车的发明人所始料不及的是,汽车诞生以后的100多年里,一跃已然成为“改变世界的机器”。因为,在世界工业化进程中,汽车业的地位极其重要。汽车技术的更新变化,不仅有力地带动了交通、能源、冶金、制造、化工、电子等一大批相关产业的发展,同时汽车业已成为世界上第一个全球化的工业,在很多发达国家及发展中国家扮演着非常重要的支柱产业角色。 The 1880s, the German Daimler will be installed in the tricycle machine, the world’s first car was born! However, the inventor of the car unexpected is that the car after the birth of more than 100 years In a leap, it has become a “machine to change the world.” Because, in the industrialization of the world, the status of the automotive industry is extremely important. The new changes in automotive technology have not only effectively boosted the development of a large number of related industries such as transport, energy, metallurgy, manufacturing, chemicals and electronics, but have also become the first globalized industry in the world. In many developed countries and in the development China plays a very important pillar industry role.
Negative bias-temperature instability in silicon dioxide films grown by a rapid thermal processing has been investigated. Rapid thermal oxide metal-oxide-semico
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本文利用滞回电阻实现了滞回电感,然后研究了包含该滞回电感的二阶非自激动态电路中的分叉和浑沌行为。计算机模拟和实验结果是定性相似的。系统的分叉结果具有应用价值。 I
针对乒乓球11分赛制的改革,探讨11分赛制的特点,以及存在的弊端,找出存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。 Aiming at the reform of 11-point system of ping-pong, this paper d
In electroluminescence the extrinsic light emission follows the impact excitation of discrete centers and the impact ionization of recombination centers. From
本文实现了一种无隔离区的DYL MOS混合集成的新电路。考虑到多元逻辑电路的主要基本单元线性“与或’门和MOS集成电路的自隔离特点,只要对它的工艺过程稍加调整,即可在同一芯
“我只不过是千千万万建设者中的一员,是国家、人民和时代给了我这个展示自己才华的机会。”面对赞誉,赵秀丽的反应一如她在工作中的严谨和沉静。在她的背后,我国第一 “I