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【总体阅读思考】阅读本文时,可围绕下面几个问题,逐步理解其内容。一、贯穿本文的一条红线是什么?它是不是文章的中心论点?文章是围绕什么展开论述的? 二、我们为什么要艰苦奋斗?而且要永远艰苦奋斗?联系实际,谈谈自己准备如何艰苦奋斗。三、艰苦奋斗的含义和基本内容是什么? 四、在本论中,作者运用了哪几种论证方法?这样论证有什么好处?【阅读入门指津】一、本文是一篇典型的“三段论式”议论文。它可分为引论、本论、结论三部分。第一部分提出“艰苦奋斗精神不断催人奋进”的中心论点;第二部分以正反材料为论据,围绕中心论点,系统阐明“我们永远需要艰苦奋斗”的深刻道理;第三部分,论证论点,得出我们将会在艰苦奋斗中“排除 [Overall reading thinking] When reading this article, you can gradually understand the content around the following questions. 1. What is the red line that runs through this article? Is it the central argument of the article? What does the article focus on? 2. Why should we work hard? And we must work hard forever? Contact the reality and talk about how we are prepared to struggle hard. . 3. What are the meanings and basic contents of the hard struggle? Fourth, what kinds of argumentation methods does the author use in this theory? What are the benefits of such an argument? [Reading Tips] 1. This article is a typical “syllogism.” "Formal Argument. It can be divided into three parts: introduction, theory, and conclusion. The first part puts forward the central argument that “the spirit of hard struggle is constantly urging people to forge ahead.” The second part is based on positive and negative material arguments. Around the central argument, it systematically states the profound truth that “We need to fight hard forever.” The third part, arguments, It is concluded that we will be excluded in the arduous struggle
一、教学目的 1、了解老一辈革命家对知识分子的关怀,主要了解邓小平同志对陈景润的关怀,增强对老一辈革命家的崇敬之情。 2、侧重于进行提高阅读速度的训练,使学生初步掌握
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本文介绍货车修建工厂的任务。主要是适用于货车检修的一般原则。不涉及枝术和企业管理的细节。 This article describes the task of building a truck. Mainly applicable
编辑同志: 最近到几个工厂出差,发现一些问题,现提出,以引起注意。 1.在某厂,看到在机械加工过的车轴轮座内侧圆弧或轴中央表面上打有操作者的 Editor’s Comrades: I rece
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
苏丹铁路向西德蒂森—亨舍尔公司订购了10台1650型的电力传动干线内燃机车。机车的柴油机、主发电机和直流牵引电动机均由GM公司提供。机车重量为79.2吨,采 Sudan Rail ord