
来源 :职业教育(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyaoxf520
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传统的教学质量评价存在评价内容片面、评价指标单一、评价主体唯一等问题,改革职业学校评价机制势在必行。为了弥补传统评价方式的不足,提高学生学习兴趣,我校积极构建多元评价体系。 The traditional evaluation of teaching quality evaluation of the existence of one-sided, a single evaluation index, the main evaluation of the issues such as the reform of vocational school evaluation mechanism is imperative. In order to make up for the lack of traditional evaluation methods and improve students’ interest in learning, our school actively builds a multi-evaluation system.
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Using the quantum theory for a mesoscopic circuit based on the discretenes of electric charges, the finitedifference Schrodinger equation of the non-dissipative
目的:把《基础护理》的理论和实践相结合,解决护生的临床实践能力和创造能力。方法:选取2012年我校高护专业护生80名,随机分为2组各40名,对照组行传统教学,实验组实行 PBL 教学法,比
目的:对中药学专业毕业实习带教工作加强管理方法的研究,进而促进带教水平的提高。方法:在教师的有效引导下,利用学导式教学法与 CAI 教学的有效结合的一种新型带教方法,本研究将2
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Background Contrast-enhanced fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been reported to have higher sensitivity for detec