Spenser's Chief Contributions to the Development of the New Poetry in the Elizabethan Age

来源 :大学英语(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:exia0654
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The year 1579 was important in the history of Eng-lish literature for the simple reason that it saw the publi-cation of Edmund Spenser’s The Shepheardes Calender,thus, so to speak, initiating the full flowering of theElizabethan poetry in the last two decades of the six-teenth century. Before this, for many years after Chaucerand the Chaucerians Enghsh poetry had experienced arather long period of near dormancy. Except for thebrisk short lines of Skelton and the increasingly mature The year 1579 was important in the history of Eng-lish literature for the simple reason that it saw the publi-cation of Edmund Spenser’s The Shepheardes Calender, thus, so to speak, initiating the full flowering of theElizabethan poetry in the last two decades of the six-teenth century. Before this, for many years after Chaucerand the Chaucerians Enghsh poetry had experienced arather long period of near dormancy. Except for thebrisk short lines of Skelton and the increasingly mature
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