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关於公粮收入除应確实掌握政策完成任務外,並应將徵超入庫數字按旬報解以供上級紀錄,亦極重要,但本省所屬各专署及昆明市一九四九年度公粮已辦理正式入庫解報手续的数字截至十一月三十日止計:(一)曲靖专署佔任務數百分之六十九,佔確定上解數百分之九十。(二)蒙自專署佔任务数百分之五十一,佔確定上解數百分之八十二。(三)楚雄專署佔任务数百分之四十,佔確定上解數百分之五十六。(四)丽江专署佔任務数百分之三十一,佔確定上解數百分之三十五。(五)武定專署佔任務數百分之二十四,佔確定上解數百分之三十三。(六)玉溪專署佔任務数百分之十七,佔确定上解數百分之二十二。(七)文山專署佔任务教百分之十六。佔確定上解數百分之二十八。(八)保山專署佔任務分數百分之十五,佔確定上解數百 Apart from the policy of fulfilling the tasks of public revenue, it is also of great importance that the revenue of public grain should be declared for superior records by the end of the reporting period. However, all the agencies of the province and the 1940 official grain of Kunming City have handled the formal storage The number of reporting procedures ended as of November 30: (1) The Qujing agency accounted for 69% of the total number of assignments, accounting for 90% of the total number confirmed. (2) The Mengzi Agency occupies a number of 51% of the total number of assignments, accounting for 82% of the confirmed number. (3) Chuxiong Agency occupies 40% of the tasks, accounting for 56% of the confirmed resolutions. (4) Lijiang agency accounted for 31% of the assignment, accounting for 35% of the confirmed settlement. (5) Wuding Agency accounted for 24% of the total number of assignments, accounting for 33% of the ascertained resolutions. (6) Yuxi agency accounted for 17% of the assignment, accounting for 22% of the confirmed settlement. (Seven) Wenshan agency accounted for 16% of the mission. Accounting for 28% of ascertainment. (Eight) Baoshan agency accounted for fifteen percent of the task, accounting for hundreds of solutions
现将《中华人民共和国金银管理条例》发给你们,望遵照执行。第一章总则第一条为加强对金银的管理,保证国家经济建设对金银的需要,取缔金银走私和投机倒把活动,特 Now “the
办字第910号1958年9月3日安徽省计量管理暂行办法,业经省人民委员会1958年8月25日第25次会议通过,现予颁布施行。附:安徽省计量管理暂行办法 Office of the word No. 910 S
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你省一九八四年十二月十六日《关于将畹町镇改设为畹町市的请示》收悉。同意你省撤销畹町镇(县级),设立畹町市(县级),以原畹町镇的行政区域为畹町市的行政区域。 Your prov