The inheritance and development of Chinese characteristic culture

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  Chapter One The Research Background
  The globalization of English has caused the localization of English and the study of English.The localization of English refers to the variety and deformation of English language environment and social environment,which can form new English such as Indian English,Singapore English and related English.These English variants are the result of creative use of English language in the new social environment.They have local cultural characteristics and have the function of marking the identification of national cultural identity.However,the study of English learning affects the survival and development of other languages or cultures because English is the carrier of western culture and ideology.English learning is gradually putting students in danger of the social psychological,language and political loss of their native language,the loss of their national culture and identity which is called “Cultural aphasia”,which affected the spread of Chinese culture.Therefore,how to maintain the local cultural identity,disseminate Chinese characteristics to the outside world when we learn and use English has become a concern of governments and scholars.It is worth studying whether we should put emphasis on foreignization or domestication when it is transmitted to the world.
  Chapter Two The Core Concept
  In 1995,Lawrence Venuti,a famous American translation theorist,proposed the translation of the term “foreignization and domestication” in “the translator’s invisibility”.
  1 Foreignization
  The so-called foreignization,that is,the translator tries not to disturb the author,so that the reader will be close to the author.In translation,the language characteristics of foreign cultures are accommodative,absorbing foreign language expression.It requires the translator to move closer to the author and take the corresponding source language to convey the content of the original text,which means the purpose of the language is to become a home。
  It is obvious that the use of foreignization strategy helps to consider the differences,preservation and reflection of ethnic and linguistic characteristics of ethnic cultures,and to preserve the exotic atmosphere for the readers.
  2 Domestication
  The so-called domestication is to localize the source language,to target the target language or the target audience,and to express the content of the original text in the way that the target language reader is used to.Domestic translation requires the translator to be close to the target audience,and the translator must speak as the native author.If the original author wants to speak directly to the reader, the translation must become the native language of the native language.   In translation,we always face the choice of alienation and naturalization,and choose to find a “melting point” between the reader and the author which is not a fixed “center point”.It is sometimes closer to the author,sometimes closer to the reader,but it should be followed by one principle:When you approach the author,you can’t be far from the reader.As you approach the reader,you can’t be far from the author.foreignization does not hinder the understanding of the translation and domestication does not lose its flavor .At the same time,we should adhere to the strategy of domesticating language,and dissimilate the cultural factors.Therefore,domestication and foreignization should complement each other and have complementary dialectical unity in actual translation.
  Chapter Three The present situation of domestication and foreignization
  1 Problems in English translation of Chinese works
  In recent years,the Chinese translation of the altar of domestication and foreignization debate is fierce,“Chinese translation” about this study has opened a column for each other and other foreign language publications also involved from time to tome,but many examples are given priority to Chinese translation of English literature,rare problems involving Chinese English translation,which is probably due to the long-standing popular belief in the field that English translations of Chinese works should be done by native speakers.But because British and American culture is a strong culture,paying no attention to translation in a weak culture of literary works,like Chinese culture ,so the work ,in fact ,most fall in the Chinese translators own shoulders.
  It is generally acknowledged that the English translation of Chinese literature should be given priority to domestication,because the imbalance of cultural exchange between China and the English countries makes English readers understand Chinese culture far inferior to our understanding of English national culture,and domestication translation helps to eliminate English readers’ understanding,making them keep reading interest,and improve the the acceptance of Chinese culture.In order to expand the influence of Chinese literature in the English-speaking world,it is feasible to mainly adopt the foreignization translation in English translation.But in the long run,domestication will cost us dearly:Western readers will not be aware of the excellent cultural tradition of our ancient nation,and even have a serious misunderstanding,which leads to the confusion and loss of our national cultural identity.   2 Achievements of Chinese culture in the field of translation
  While it remains to be improved,but in the process of introducing the Chinese excellent traditional culture to the west ,our country has made some achievements and there was a group of outstanding translators,Lin yutang is one of them.Lin yutang’s success lies not only in his ability of language conversion,but also in his skillful handling of the rich cultural information carried in Chinese.For example,his translation of the Qing dynasty shen fu’s six records,he mainly adopted the foreignization method,to the maximum extent conveyed the cultural information contained in the original text.
  Chapter Four The selection of domestication and foreignization in
  Chinese cultural translation practice
  It can be seen that the translation strategy should be adjusted in combination with specific translation purposes.In order to realize the communication between two cultures,in-depth academic exchanges should mainly choose the foreignization translation strategy,ensure the rigor of academic research,and emphasize the emphasis on the source language culture.If the purpose of translation is entertainment and recreation,the adequacy of translation is obviously more important than its equivalence in the process.At this point,the translator should be the center of translation work.On the basis of fully analyzing the readers’ understanding and acceptance of their own culture,the domestication translation should be centered,and foreignized translation should be used to be the auxiliary,thus ensuring that the translated works can cater to the readers’ reading needs and completing the dissemination of culture.
  In a nutshell,domestication and foreignization do not have a completely opposite relationship in the field of Chinese literature translation.On the contrary,in practice,it can tolerate and penetrate each other and the effect of translation can be greatly improved by mutual aid,thus meeting the needs of different groups to translated works and promoteing better development of Chinese literature translation work.
  In summary,in the field of Chinese cultural translation,in order to improve the quality of translation significantly and nsure that the translated works can be recognized and accepted by more people,the translation should be adjusted according to the different audiences and the translation demands of literary works.We are supposed to choose the rational kinds of foreignization and domestication and further enhance the quality of translation by the combination of two translation methods, thus enhancing the matching performance of literary translation works with readers and laying a solid foundation for the spread of Chinese culture in the world.
  [1]Androutsopoulos,J.Non-native English and sub-cultural identities in media discourse[J].Den fleirsprakege utfordringa,2003:1-12.
  [2]Crystal,D.English as global language[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.
Abstract:Grice’s Conversational Implicature Theory and Leech’s Politeness Principle are applied in this thesis to analyze the conversations between Darcy and Elizabeth,the leading characters in Pride
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“那片厚绿的水草,有个名字叫‘浮萍’”。  浮萍,富萍;沉浮漂泊,仿佛是她一生的命运;三次漂泊追寻,她得以返归,不再是无根的浮萍。  漂泊的灵魂  “是因为陌生,还是天生口讷,她极少话,但人家说话,她却很注意听,眼睛直愣愣地看着你,这时候,你会在她呆滞的表情下面,发现一种锐利,她的眸子很亮。在上海再住些日子,她两颊上的红渐渐褪去,像是白了,其实是黄,所以就显出些精明。”作家在一开始,便为我们塑造出
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