The Little Squirrel

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  (1)except 除了
  (2)You'd better do sth.你最好做某事。这是一种表示劝告的委婉语气的固定结构
  (3)forest 森林
  (4)原形 sigh,叹息
  (5)cousin 堂或表兄弟姐妹,故事中的Cousin Rabbit指“兔表姐”
  Now it’s autumn. In the forest, some ani-mals are busy with collecting food for the com-ing wiuter except a little squirrel. “They arereally not clever animals,” he thinks to himself.“There is still a long tiMe before the wintercomes.” So he plays all the time.
  Uncle Pig comes to see the little squirreland says, “You’d better collect some nuts forthe winter. Winter is coming soon.”
  “So what? Unele Pig. There is still a monthaway and there are many nuts in the forest,”Uncle Pig shakes his head and goes away.
  Now winter is getting near, Aunt Duck seesthe little squirrel playing under a tree. She saysto thc squirrel, “Little Squirrel, go and collectsome nuts liar yourself. Winter is coming.”
  “So what? Aunt Duc k. There is slill half amonth away and there are stillsome nuts.”
  Aunt Duck sighs and goesaway.
  Winter is getting nearer andnearer and the weather is gettingcolder and colder. Cousin Rab-bit comes to visit the squirrel,“Oh, Little Squirrel, hurry tocollect some nuts. The winter isonly a few days away.”
  “So what? My dear cousin,there are still a few days heforethe winter comes.”
  Cousin Rabbit worries abouther cousin, hut she goes hackhome.
  It’s freezing cold now. The wind blowshard and it begins to snow. The little squirrelbecomes anxious and he hurries to collectnuts. But he can't find any now. He can donothing now hut cries at home. He feelsmore and more hungry, “What shall I do?What shall I do?”
  Suddenly, the telephone rings. It’s CousinRabbit!
  “Come to my homeand I have some food foryOU.”
  “Thanks, Cousin Rab-bit,” tears come to the littlesquirrel’s eyes.
  Luckily, he survivesthe harsh winter. Of course,he regrets what he hasdone before.
  Can you guess whatthe little squirrel will do forthe next winler?
  读懂上面的故事了吗?小松鼠就是说了太多的“so what?”才遇到了麻烦。“so what?”的意思是“那又怎样?”表示一种无所谓、不在乎的态度。其实,我们任何人都要抓紧时间,做好每天该做的事,学好每天该学会的知识。只有这样,你以后才不会后悔啊!
同学们在小学英语教材中会发现,在“would like”后面总是接动词不定式“to do”这一形式,如:I’d like to have some milk now.而在单独出现的“like”后面总是接动词的“-ing”形式(在英语语法上,这里的“-ing”形式被称为“动名词”,即它相当于一个名词,但是又具有表示动作的特征),如:I don’t like dancing. I like singi
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