九十年人生身正为范 七十载育人德泽深厚——“姜维壮教授90寿辰暨财政改革与发展学术研讨会”举行

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10月28日,中央财经大学校园充满着感恩的气氛,洋溢着节日的喜悦。我国当代著名财政学家、教育家、中央财经大学财政学院教授姜维壮90寿辰暨财政改革与发展学术研讨会在学术会堂举行。作为新中国社会主义财政理论的奠基人和开拓者之一,姜维壮教授始终专注于财政学理论的科研和教学工作,治学严谨,成果丰硕,影响深远。他是新中国第一批被选送到苏联进修的学生,1957年毕业于莫斯科财政学院研究生 October 28, the Central University of Finance and the campus full of gratitude atmosphere, filled with joy of the festival. Jiang Wei Zhuang, a famous contemporary financial scientist and educator in China, and professor of finance at the Central University of Finance and Economics, held a 90th birthday and a seminar on financial reform and development was held in the academic hall. As one of the founders and pioneers of the theory of financial socialism in new China, Professor Jiang Weizhuang has always focused on the research and teaching of the theory of financial science. With rigorous scholarship and fruitful results, his influence is far-reaching. He was the first batch of new China was sent to the Soviet Union students, graduated in 1957 from the Moscow School of Finance graduate
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