
来源 :中国物资经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nazhihudie
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近来,笔者接连参与了四起物资购销业务中发生的货款纠纷案件的调查与辩论,觉得在法规不完备、竟争无规范的市场经济初始阶段,谨防诈骗是物资企业面临的一道难题,应引起足够的重视。一是部属物资企业受骗的多,蒙受的损失大,且呈有增无减之势。仅以在武汉的部属物资企业为例,木材、黑色、有色、机电、铁道及交通等大户均是债权在握、覆水难收、有苦难言。一般都属物资企业信誉良好,不会干出违法坑人的勾当,但又存在着相同的弱点,即传统的计划经济观念仍束缚着这支骨干队伍的思想,对市场没防范,搞经营不熟悉,反诈骗缺经验。因此,常常成为不法分子的欺诈对象。又由于他们的资金实力强,被诈几十万乃至上百万元也无多大影响。有的“大家子”气十足,大量欠款长期挂在往来帐上.拖了几年也未能真下功夫去清理催收,最终形成呆帐。 Recently, the author has participated in investigations and debates on four cases of purchase and sales disputes in connection with material purchases and sales. I feel that in the initial stage of the market economy where regulations are incomplete and competition is unregulated, it is necessary to prevent fraud from being a problem faced by material companies. The importance attached. First, the subordinate material companies were cheated, and suffered large losses, which showed a trend of increasing unabated. Take Wuhan’s subordinate materials enterprises as an example. Large households such as timber, black, non-ferrous metals, electromechanical, railways, and transportation are all holding their debts, overcoming difficulties, and suffering. Generally, they are reputable material companies, will not do illegal activities, but there are the same weaknesses, that is, the traditional concept of planned economy still bound the idea of ​​this backbone team, did not prevent the market, engage in business is not Familiar with anti-fraud and lack of experience. Therefore, it is often the target of fraud by criminals. Because of their strong financial strength, the deception of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars has little impact. Some of them were full of enthusiasm, and a large amount of arrears were hung on the current account for a long time. After several years of delay, they were unable to work hard to clean up the collection and eventually formed bad debts.
一、调整企业经营策略,拓宽市场,扩大销售 企业的经营策略,决定着企业的市场占有率、盈利能力及发展能力。在当前市场销售疲软的情况下,国营商业企业要改变经营被动的局面,就
— —计划与市场的关系——计划经济与市场调节相结合的最佳点………………………………………·,··姜作培(豆.8)在治理整顿中计划调节与市场调节的关系……··,……··
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人不可任性,但不能没有个性。企业亦然。 日本东京有家商店叫秋叶园,人们习惯称它「百元店」。一百日元,约合5元多人民币,在物价昂贵的日本,实在是「小钱」。可该店有袋装的