自成体系的“以色列式”律协法援制度 以色列律师协会法律援助制度介绍

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应以色列律师协会会长科恩先生的多次盛情邀请,全国律协于2004年第一次派团参加了以色列律协年会,同年,科恩先生率以代表团访问了北京和上海,期间中以两国律协签署了友好协议。2005年和2006年全国律协分别派团参加了以色列律协年会。目前,中以律协已经建立起了友好的交流合作关系。2007年5月,全国律协第四次派团参加了以律协的年会。以律协的年会被视为律师们的重大盛会,每年都在其南部城市埃拉特召开。埃拉特位于红海之滨,是风景优美的度假胜地。参会是以律师们探讨发展、联络感情和休闲度假的好机会。除了以本国律师外,每年以律协都邀请来自世界各地的律师参加其年会。今年参会的律师有1500人左右,加上陪同共约2000人参加了会议。今年有来自中国、尼泊尔、印度、马来西亚、突尼斯、英国、加拿大、巴西、美国、捷克、德国、西班牙、匈牙利、法国、比利时、罗马尼亚、意大利和俄罗斯18个国家的约80名外国代表出席了此会。与历年一样,今年年会日程一部分是热门政治、社会和法律问题的研讨,另一部分是各种以律协会员的表彰会。今年会议的议题主要有:媒体的监督、法律责任或公共责任、自由、文学和法律、40年国土历史、国际商务仲裁、以政府体制的变化和司法对政府的监督等:表彰会有对以律协杰出会员的表彰、对优秀女律师的表彰、对法律援助等公益事业做出杰出贡献律师的表彰。 At the invitation of Mr. Cohen, president of the Israeli Bar Association, for the first time, the National Bar Association sent the delegation to participate in the annual meeting of the Israel Bar Association in 2004. In the same year, Mr. Cohen headed a delegation to visit Beijing and Shanghai. The Bar Association signed a friendly agreement. In 2005 and 2006, the National Lawyers Association separately sent delegations to participate in the annual conference of Israeli lawyers. At present, the lawyers’ association in China has established a friendly exchange and cooperation. May 2007, the fourth round of the National Association of lawyers to participate in the Association’s annual meeting. Lawyers’ annual meeting is considered a major event for lawyers and is held every year in Eilat, its southern city. Located on the shores of the Red Sea, Eilat is a scenic resort. Participants are good opportunities for lawyers to explore development, networking, and leisure. In addition to being a national lawyer, solicitors from all parts of the world are invited by lawyers to attend their annual meeting each year. There are about 1,500 lawyers participating in the conference this year, together with about 2,000 people who attended the conference. This year some 80 foreign delegates from China, Nepal, India, Malaysia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, the United States, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Hungary, France, Belgium, Romania, Italy and Russia attended meeting. As in previous years, part of this year’s annual agenda is a discussion of topical political, social and legal issues. The other part is the recognition of various members of the Association. The main topics for this year’s conference are: media supervision, legal or public responsibility, freedom, literature and law, 40 years of homeland history, international business arbitration, changes in the government system and judicial oversight of the government. Outstanding members of the lawyers recognition, recognition of outstanding female lawyers, legal aid and other public welfare to make outstanding contributions to the lawyer’s recognition.
浙江自古人文地,有人做过统计,自东汉以来的中国文学家中,浙籍文人就占到六分之一,唐诗之路、南戏源头、浙派山水……留下了灿然的文化财富。  而在新一轮文化建设的进程中,浙江同样交出了一份不俗的答卷。发展文化产业,加快文化体制改革,建设文化惠民工程,让广大群众充分享受文化建设的成果。   转型:   从浙江制造到浙江“智”造  影视动漫和舞台歌舞剧在许多人心目中可谓“风马牛不相及”
目前部署在波黑作为北约稳定部队一部分的1 200名加拿大陆军作战部队,已率先装备新式的“加拿大伪装色斑”作战服,取代了自20世纪60年代初期以来就一直使用而很少改进的草绿色作战服。   这一新式伪装色斑设计方案,是士兵系统工程项目管理部从1987年开始研制,至1995年研制成功的。试制初期,研制公司测定了加拿大温带林地环境目视和近红外光谱及其空间分布的大量数据,然后对测量值进行综合分析和数字化处理
作为我国新时期首批军事留学生之一,我曾在著名的伏龙芝军事学院学习了近3年,对俄罗斯军队的管理有一些切身感受和初步认识。 指挥员要先当学员 前苏军和现俄军都实行一长制
司法所没有党委政府的重视、支持是不会发展壮大的,所以作为司法所所长必须具有较强的沟通协调能力,充分发挥主观能动性,赢得党政领导的信任。 The judicial institute does