
来源 :商业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuzhilv
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商业与气象似乎并不相干,但细想起来也有若干联系。有句古语:“贾人旱则资舟,水则资车,夏则资皮,冬则资絺”。实际上也就是根据时令气候预测行情,抓住时机以利经营。现代经营者对风雪、降雨、气温高低的信息更为重视,气象情况掌握得准确,对商品销售大有裨益。 1988年夏天,北方气温普遍较高,原来颇受冷落的电风扇异常走俏,一些掌握信息及时进货的商店赚了一大笔钱。又如,去年南方某地气象台预测,春末夏初会有阴雨天气。一般人没有理会,有个商店对此信息很重视,大批量进了雨伞、雨衣、雨鞋。结果阴雨连绵时雨具极为畅 Business and weather seem to be irrelevant, but there are also a number of connections when you think about it. There is an old saying: “Jia people are the capital for the drought, the water is the capital, the summer is the skin, and the winter is the capital.” In fact, it is based on seasonal climate forecast and seize the opportunity to facilitate business operations. Modern operators pay more attention to snowstorms, rainfall, and information on the level of temperature. Meteorological conditions are accurately grasped and they are of great benefit to the sale of goods. In the summer of 1988, the temperature in the north was generally high, and the original fan, which was quite out of favor, was unusually popular. Some stores that had timely access to information gained a lot of money. Another example is the forecast of a meteorological station in southern China last year that there will be rainy weather in the late spring and early summer. The average person ignored it. A store attached great importance to this information and entered large quantities of umbrellas, raincoats, and rain boots. As a result, rain is extremely smooth during rainy days
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国家工商局最近对广告经营者即经工商行政管理机关核准登记注册,从事广告设计、制作、发布、代理等广告经营活动的单位和个人,就其应具备的资质标准作出规定: 一、综合型广
Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) was one of the greatest Dutch painters of the 17th century. He surpassed in quality all the others who dealt with the same subject matte
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突尼斯以其地理、政局、政策、国际支付信誉等诸多优势吸引了大量的外国投资者。由于中国公司对突投资办企业为时尚短,经验不足,为避免不必要的损失应注意以下几个问题: 做