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“成为一个合格的财富继承者,某种程度上就意味着能够战胜‘富不过三代’的魔咒,但是这样的过程总感觉要带着点与众不同的炼狱,这正应了那句台词‘欲戴王冠,必承其重’。”无论商家巨富,还是升斗小民,家族财富的世代延续都是共同的诉求。但打江山易,守江山难,传江山更难。据统计,在全球几十种语言中,都有富不过三代的谶语。而那些继承者能够接班,特别是巨商大贾的传人,也大 “Being a qualified successor to wealth means, to a certain extent, the ability to defeat the curse of ’being rich for three generations,’ but this process always feels like bringing a different purgatory, The lines ’To wear the crown, will bear its weight.’ ”Whether business wealth, or ascension small people, the continuation of the family wealth are the common appeal. However, Jiangshan easy to keep Jiangshan difficult to pass Jiangshan more difficult. According to statistics, among the dozens of languages ​​in the world, there are rich words of no more than three generations. And those successors who can take over, especially the descendants of big business, are also big
As a core part of the electronic warfare (EW) system,de-interleaving is used to separate interleaved radar signals.The de-interleaving algorithm based on the fu
目的:观察术前静脉注射不同剂量的咪达唑仑对小儿术后适应不良行为的影响。   方法:选择择期全麻下行扁桃体和腺样体摘除术患儿150例,年龄3~8岁,随机分为三组(n=50)。采用双盲
Automatic video mosaicking is a challenging task in computer vision. Current researches consider either panoramic or mapping tasks on short videos. In this paper, an automatic mosaicking algorithm is
朋友们都说:“21世纪了,还有没有真雷锋,还要不要弘扬雷锋精神?”  2011年10月13日,2岁的小悦悦在佛山经过两车碾压,七分钟内在女童身边经过的十八个路人,竟对此不闻不问,直到被一位拾荒的老人救起,为什么在小悦悦身边漠然走过的十八个路人,竟无人问津?表示这一事件折射出深层次的社会问题。一边是路人漠然而去,一边是好人被诬陷,当今社会的公共道德良知再次被严厉拷问,我们到底要不要学习雷锋精神?  
目的:探讨SLIPA喉罩和普通喉罩用于腹腔镜胆囊切除术麻醉通气的可行性与安全性,为腹腔镜胆囊切除术麻醉的气道管理提供更可靠的临床资料。   方法:120例择期腹腔镜胆囊切除术
The network performance and the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) number are important objectives when UAVs are placed as communication relays to enhance the multi-
The range and angle information of the frequency diverse array (FDA) cannot be exclusively determined at the output of the array because of the range-angle coup
目的:探讨血清特异性抗原(PSA)、直肠超声检查(TRUS)及TRUS引导下穿刺活检对前列腺癌的临床诊断价值,并研究血清PSA与前列腺癌Gleason分级的相关性。   方法:选取154例临床可
目的:比较改良电抽搐治疗(Modified Electric Convulsive Therapy,MECT)与文拉法辛对抑郁症患者的疗效和认知功能的影响。   方法:将60例抑郁症患者随机分为实验组(MECT治疗