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炎热的夏天,正是各种细菌生长繁殖的季节,由于天气炎热,人的抵抗力比平常要差,再加上有些饮食及器具消毒不严,很容易造成食物中毒,下面介绍一些食物中毒有关方面的知识,当你就餐后发现有类似症状时,应及时处理,以免造成不良后果。 细菌性食物中毒是由于进食被细菌或细菌毒素所污染的食物所致。其中葡萄球菌毒素、沙门菌属和嗜盐菌等主要引起急性胃肠炎症状,而肉毒杆菌毒素则主要引起中枢神经系统症状。 胃肠型食物中毒 胃肠型食物中毒比较常见,共同的临床特点为潜伏期短,主要为急性胃肠炎症状。 引起胃肠型食物中毒的细菌很多,较常见者为沙门菌属、 Hot summer, it is all kinds of bacteria growth and reproduction of the season, due to the hot weather, human resistance is worse than usual, coupled with some diet and utensil disinfection lax, it is easy to cause food poisoning, the following describes some food poisoning related Aspects of knowledge, when you find after eating a similar symptoms, should be promptly handled, so as to avoid adverse consequences. Bacterial food poisoning is due to food contaminated with bacteria or bacterial toxins. Staphylococcal toxins, salmonella and halophilic bacteria cause acute gastroenteritis symptoms, while botulinum toxin mainly causes central nervous system symptoms. Gastrointestinal food poisoning Gastrointestinal food poisoning is more common, the common clinical features of the incubation period is short, mainly for the symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. Gastrointestinal type food poisoning caused by many bacteria, the more common are Salmonella,
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中暑是夏令季节常见内科急病。尤以年老体弱及多病老人更易发生。 中暑按病性轻重可分为先兆中暑、轻症中暑与重症中暑三种情况。先兆中暑一般表现为:疲乏、头昏、眼花、耳
各群结核杆菌的特点是什么?对哪些药物敏感? 据研究,结核杆菌在人体内有4种不同的代谢状态。在发病过程中,在不同环境下,结核杆菌的代谢呈现不同的类型,对不同的药物起着不
主要介绍了出口伊朗CDN10型机车车体的技术参数、车体各部件的结构特点,对车体的强度做出了评价。 This paper mainly introduces the technical parameters of the exporte