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皎洁的月光就算再空灵也比不上我一寸皮肤的清澈;洛阳的牡丹再雍容华贵也只能在我莞尔一笑后羞愧地合上花蕾。我是带着沉鱼落雁的美貌来到人世的,我嘴角一丝淡淡的微笑就足以让月桂旁的婵娟失色——我是昭君。胜过天仙的美丽注定我的命运将一生繁华。因为,长安有我大汉的天子,我会是他后宫最璀璨的宝石。 Even if the clean moonlight is no longer empty, it will not be as clear as an inch of my skin. Luoyang’s peony and then Huarong will only be able to close the flower buds with shame after I smile. I came to the world with the beauty of a wild goose, and a faint smile on my lips was enough to make the glory beside the moon - I am Zhaojun. The beauty that prevailed over the angels destined my life to flourish. Because Chang’an has the patriarch of my Han Dynasty, I will be the most embarrassing jewel in his harem.
The Thompsons family lives in a large city.They all like city lifefor a number of reasons.It is easy for them to see new plays andmovies and to go to concerts
There are groups of young people in many places who give theirtime to help others.For example,they do the shopping for people whoare sick or old.Often these pe
Mary looked round her sitting-room.She had just finished cleaningit and everything was tidy.She sank into her favourite armchair to havea well-earned rest.She
China is the ground for championing the survival of David’s deer. In ten years, the number of the endangered deer has increased six times, creating three worl
Dialogue A-(A=Tony Black, the Agent; B=The sailor on duty)托尼·布莱克,代理人;值班水手A:Good morning, I’m Tony Black, your Agent. Where is the Captain,Please?
“东方咖啡”餐厅是由马格和马丁这两位女士联合开办的。  开业许久,由于没有什么特色,顾客不多,餐厅惨淡经营,难以为继。  后来,她们觉得,店后的大花园可以开发成菜园,以自产的新鲜蔬菜来吸引顾客,局面也许会有所改观。  于是,她们聘请了贝蒂女士将花园改造为菜园。有十三年菜园工作经验的贝蒂干得很出色,没多久。餐厅花园菜、果、花三合各种蔬菜、果间种,布置得很用,又可观赏。了果树,园中有菠菜、洋葱、韭香、