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Dialogue A-(A=Tony Black, the Agent; B=The sailor on duty)托尼·布莱克,代理人;值班水手A:Good morning, I’m Tony Black, your Agent. Where is the Captain,Please? I’m looking for him. There is something urgent. 早晨好,我叫托尼·布莱克,你船代理。请问船长在哪里?我要找他。有些急 Dialogue A-(A=Tony Black, the Agent; B=The sailor on duty) Tony Black, agent; On-duty sailor A: Good morning, I’m Tony Black, your Agent. Where is the Captain,Please? I ’m looking for him. There is something urgent. Good morning, my name is Tony Black, your boat agent. Where is the captain? I’m looking for him. Some urgent
晚上,正在和朋友一起喝酒谈天,突然电话响了起来,是老徐打来的。原来,他在对一个新开发的重要客户报价时把成本价报给了客户,客户一看价格异常优惠,而日,又是知名企业,于是就很快下了订单。老徐一看订单头就大了价格报错了,加上费用还赔钱。  如何既把价格调上来又保住这个好不容易刚争取来的客户?  1 最常见的方法:立即跟客户联系,主动承认错误并道歉,争取客户的谅解。  这种方法对于有一定客情基础的老客户还
The Thompsons family lives in a large city.They all like city lifefor a number of reasons.It is easy for them to see new plays andmovies and to go to concerts
There are groups of young people in many places who give theirtime to help others.For example,they do the shopping for people whoare sick or old.Often these pe
Mary looked round her sitting-room.She had just finished cleaningit and everything was tidy.She sank into her favourite armchair to havea well-earned rest.She
China is the ground for championing the survival of David’s deer. In ten years, the number of the endangered deer has increased six times, creating three worl