
来源 :中央检察官管理学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghz2000
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随着我国公务员制度的建立,探索各个领域国家干部的特殊素质将成为必要。检察官特殊素质的研究在我国还是个新课题,为开创良好的科研起点,本文仅就方法论上的几个问题略陈管见,旨在抛砖引玉并求教于学界。 一、检察官特殊素质的涵义 检察官的特殊素质,是指检察官独有的、区别于其他领域国家干部的素质。理解检察官的特殊素质,应把握以下几个要点: 第一,内在共同性。就检察官队伍内部而言,检察官的特殊素质,不是指某一个检察官个人的性格、气质,而是指整个检察官队伍共同的素质。作为检察官,从个人角度,他有自己的性格、气质的特殊性;从整体角度,他又是检察队伍的成员,因此,在素质建设上,也要个人服从整体,为检察官队伍整体形象建设贡献自己的力量,而不能以个人素质代替或否定整体素质。所以,我们所说的检察官的特殊素质是指整个检察官队伍的共同素质。 With the establishment of our civil service system, exploring the special qualities of state cadres in various fields will become necessary. Prosecutors special quality research in our country is still a new topic, in order to create a good starting point for scientific research, this article only a few questions on methodological slightly, seeks to initiate and seek advice in the academic world. First, the prosecutor’s special quality implications Prosecutor’s special qualities, refers to the Prosecutor’s unique, different from other areas of the quality of national cadres. To understand the special quality of prosecutors, we should grasp the following points: First, the inherent commonalities. As far as the team of prosecutors are concerned, the special qualities of prosecutors do not refer to the individual character and temperament of a procurator but to the common qualities of the entire team of prosecutors. As a prosecutor, from an individual point of view, he has his own character and particularity of temperament. From an overall point of view, he is also a member of the procuratorial team. Therefore, on the quality construction, he also has to follow the individual as a whole, as a whole image of the prosecutor team Construction contribute to their own strength, rather than personal qualities to replace or deny the overall quality. Therefore, what we call the special qualities of prosecutors refers to the common qualities of the entire team of prosecutors.