Subscribing to Finance and Trade Economics in 2010

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Finance and Trade Economics(monthly) is sponsored by the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics,and directed by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.It is one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in economics in China,
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少年强则国强,少年儿童是祖国的明天。小学体育不仅仅关系着广大少年儿童的身心健康,更关系着一个国家和民族的可持续发展。教育的根本任务是立德树人,小学体育在发挥教育立德树人功能方面具有不可或缺的重要作用。  一、及时转变观念,高度重视小学体育工作  习主席在全国教育大会上强调:“要树立健康第一的教育理念,开齐开足体育课,帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣、增强体质、健全人格、锻炼意志。”当前,对于小学教育工