加强管理 练好内功 提高烟机设备有效作业率

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蚌埠卷烟厂是烟草行业大型二类骨干企业,年生产能力60万箱.1994年在全国工业企业500家中排序第214位,最佳经济效益工业企业烟草加工业排序第六位,同年12月荣获“中国明星企业”称号.1995年3月再获“中国公众形象优良企业”称号.我厂认真“转机制、抓管理、练内功、增效益”,切实管好、用好、修好现有设备,提高设备的完好率、利用率和有效作业率,1995年各项经济指标均有较大增长,全厂设备有效作业率平均达到72.35%,比1994年提高了两个百分点.一、抓管理,练内功,提高设备的有效作业率是卷烟厂的重要课题如何使现有设备最大限度地发挥效益是设备管理工作的重点.1.解放思想,提高认识加强内部挖潜和基础管理,提高设备有效作业率是减少投资,降低物耗,提高效益的最有效途径.保持设备的完好状况及技术装备水平十分重要,厂长要亲自抓,主管设备的领导要全力以赴抓,党政工团齐抓共管,使全厂职工统一思想,达到增强全员设备管理意识的目的.2.抓好人才培训,提高职工的技术素质要提高设备的有效作业率,就必须提高操作人员和维修人员的技术水平.我厂十分重视提高职工的技术素质,每月安排两次职工业务学习,学操作规程、基本工作原理;利用新设备到厂安装调试的机会,请厂家技术人员对职工进行现场教学,传授操作要点;选? The Ciqi Cigarette Factory is a large-scale second-class tobacco enterprise with an annual production capacity of 600,000 cases. In 1994, it ranked 214th among the 500 industrial enterprises in the country. The tobacco industry ranks sixth in the best economical industrial enterprise, and was awarded in December of the same year. “China Star Enterprise” title. In March 1995, it was again awarded the title of “China’s Public Good Enterprise”. Our factory earnestly “transforms the mechanism, grasps management, exercises internal strength, and increases profitability” to effectively manage, use, and repair existing equipment. Improving equipment availability, utilization rate, and effective operating rate, all economic indicators increased significantly in 1995, and the average operating rate of the whole plant equipment reached an average of 72.35%, an increase of two percentage points over 1994. Improving internal working efficiency of equipment is an important issue for cigarette factories. How to maximize the effectiveness of existing equipment is the focus of equipment management. 1. Emancipate the mind, raise awareness, strengthen internal tapping and basic management, and increase equipment efficiency. Operation rate is the most effective way to reduce investment, reduce material consumption, and improve efficiency. It is very important to keep equipment in good condition and technical equipment level. The manager must personally grasp and lead the equipment leadership. With all one’s strength, the party and government delegations have made concerted efforts to ensure that all employees in the company have unified their thinking and achieved the goal of enhancing the overall equipment management awareness. 2. Doing a good job of training personnel and improving the technical quality of workers must increase the effective rate of equipment operations. It is necessary to improve the technical level of operators and maintenance personnel. Our factory attaches great importance to improving the technical quality of employees, arranges twice a month for staff business study, learns operating procedures and basic working principles, and uses new equipment to the factory for installation and commissioning opportunities. Factory technicians perform on-site teaching for employees and teach the operating points;
青岛灵山岛南背来石剖面发育了两层大型不规则砂脉。其主要特征如下:上层大型不规则砂脉呈分散团块状顺黄褐色凝灰质泥岩分布,断续延伸约60 m,宽数米;有17个侵入砂团块。砂团