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饮食和文化本不相及,但仿佛裸体一经成为艺术便是最圣洁的。否则何以“乘浮浮于海”的孔老夫子“食不厌精,脍不厌细”;谪仙更须酒后方吐字字珠玑,还留下这许多“太白遗风”;苏东坡定是痴人,“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人”;更重要的佐证是,抗金名将宗泽竟是制火腿的师爷;何况还有个金圣叹,至死而念念不忘此道,向儿子面授机宜:“豆腐于同花生嚼才有鲜味,万不可传与外人。”如此死法,直将耶稣、阿基米德、苏格拉底、塞莫皮莱的殉难统统比了下去。只此一事,足以令国人引以为荣,令外人汗颜了。酒是其中一大宗。一人“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”须月下独酌;金玉良缘,则花前月下饮酒作赋;豪气干云“酒逢知己千杯少”;更无须说另有一个“何以解忧?唯有杜康”的刘伶,和他意气相投的一班朋友,想必也个个深得此道。中国素以饮食独步天下,同四大发明并称于世,深为国人所津津乐道。如若不信,可问街头一寻常百姓,他定会洋洋得意,如数家珍,一一道来:“宫廷小吃,满汉大餐,川系,鲁菜……或蒸、煮、煎、熬、烹、炸、炖,或煨、爆、炒、熘、烧、烤、焙、炙、焖、腌、卤、酱……”由此可见,中国饮食文化之博大精深,源远流长。世界诸国之中,当以中国最为实惠。民以食为天,无可厚非,但仿佛中国人整 Food and culture do not go away, but it seems as if the nude is the most holy of being art. Otherwise, why “floating on the sea,” the Confucius Master “food is not tired of eating too tired, not tired of fine”; immortal immortal drinker to spit too many words Aberdeen, but also leave many of this “Taibai legacy”; Su Dongpo is idiot, “sundial litchi Three hundred, without leaving a word for the Lingnan people ”; more important evidence is that the anti-gold star Zong Ze actually made ham master; not to mention there is a golden sigh, to death and never forget this, to his son face machine:“ tofu in The peanut is chewy enough to bear the smell of ungodliness, and should not be passed on to strangers. ”So died, straight down the martyrdom of Jesus, Archimedes, Socrates, and Cemiliplaim. This alone is enough to make the people proud of themselves and make others ashamed. Wine is one of the largest. One person “茕 茕 solitude, shadow hanging” must be under the moon alone; Jinyu good edge, then the pre-month drinking alcohol for Fu; heroic cloud “wine every friend of the Millennium Cup less;” Needless to say, there is another “why worry? Only Dukang” Liu Ling, and his like-minded class of friends, presumably also won all this. China is a world leader in food, with the four inventions and said to the world, deep for people to relish. If you do not believe, you can ask the streets of a common people, he will be triumphant, such as the number of rare, one by one: “court snacks, Manchu feast, Sichuan Department, Shandong cuisine ... ... or steamed, boiled, fried, boiled, Fried, boiled, roasted, roasted, roasted, sunburn, braised, marinated, halogened, sauce ... ”Thus, the breadth and depth of Chinese food culture goes back to ancient times. Among all the countries in the world, it is most affordable to China. People eat food, nothing wrong, but as if the Chinese people whole
一、临床诊断(一)疼痛:疼痛部位开始位于肝区,可向右肩胛背部放散。迨至晚期,疼痛弥漫。常波及整个上腹部,甚至中、下腹。这与癌肿较大,受累范围较广泛,损坏被膜,以至 Firs