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  John Keating: No grades at stake, gentlemen. Just take a stroll.
  There it is. Left, left, left, right, left. Left, left, left, right, left. Left, halt. Thank you, gentlemen.
  If you noticed, everyone started off with their own stride, their own pace. Mr. Pitts, taking his time.
  He knew he’ll get there one day. Mr. Cameron, you could see him thinking, “Is this right? It might be right. It might be right. I know that...Maybe not. I don’t know.” Mr. Overstreet’s, driven by deeper force. Yes, we know that. All right, now, I didn’t bring them up here to ridicule them. I brought them up here to illustrate the point of conformity. The difficulty in maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others. Now, those of you, I see the look in your eyes like, “I would have walked differently.” Well, ask yourselves why you were clapping. Now, we all have a great need for acceptance. But you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own. Even though others may think them odd or unpopular. Even though the herd may go, “That’s baa-d.” Robert Frost said, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.”
  Now, I want you to find your own walk right now. Your own way of striding, pacing. Any direction, anything you want. Whether it’s proud, whether it’s silly, anything. Gentlemen, the courtyard is yours. You don’t have to perform, just make it for yourself.
  Mr. Dalton, will you be joining us?
  Charlie Dalton: Exercising the right not to walk.
  Keating: Thank you, Mr. Dalton. Just illustrated the point.
Drink to me only with 1)thine eyes,  And I will 2)pledge with mine;  Or leave a kiss but in the cup,  And I’ll not look for wine.  The thirst that from the soul 3)doth rise  Doth ask a drink divine;  
因《魔法奇缘》而人气空前高涨的艾米·亚当斯(Amy Adams)接拍这部迪士尼真人版电影的时候显然有些“高龄”了,因为当时的她已经33岁了。不过她将这位跑错时空、寻找真爱的公主演出了一股傻傻的可爱劲儿,颠覆了人们对公主的固有印象,也让艾米赢得了“不老公主”的美名。如今,她凭借在《大师》中饰演Mary一角的出色表演而获得了2013年第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角提名,这是她八年来第四次获得奥斯卡最佳
她是一个普通的弱女子,一所普通小学——惠特尼小学的校长。如果你站在学校的墙外远远地望着她,你肯定觉得此人并无任何特别之处;但如果你踏进了那所学校,你将看到那副瘦弱的肩膀正担负着无数孩子的梦想。  一所被无人管教的贫困生塞满的学校,一位势单力薄的女校长,她将如何带领孩子们度过难关?让我们拭目以待……  I’m Sherrie Gahn and I’m the principal of Whitney
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