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  因《魔法奇缘》而人气空前高涨的艾米·亚当斯(Amy Adams)接拍这部迪士尼真人版电影的时候显然有些“高龄”了,因为当时的她已经33岁了。不过她将这位跑错时空、寻找真爱的公主演出了一股傻傻的可爱劲儿,颠覆了人们对公主的固有印象,也让艾米赢得了“不老公主”的美名。如今,她凭借在《大师》中饰演Mary一角的出色表演而获得了2013年第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角提名,这是她八年来第四次获得奥斯卡最佳女配角提名。而自成名以来,她频频出席重要的影展红毯与时尚界活动,每一次亮相都令人十分惊艳。当然,时尚界认为她最美的时刻还是与小女儿在出门时被拍到的样子,随性的打扮充实了她作为“时尚辣妈”的完美形象。
  Interviewer: Amy, Bonjour.
  Amy: Bonjour.
  Interviewer: Great to see you again.
  Amy: Good to see you as well.
  Interviewer: OK. I wonder how you do that, because I see you for the big movie, a big studio, a small movie and you’ve done TV. You’ve pretty much done…done it all. I mean do you just have to be busy 24/7 with your acting?
  Amy: No, I have lots of other things to keep me busy, but any free time I have is…is typically filled up with work.
  Interviewer: How do you pick and choose? Is it, you know, one for them, one for you, one for the bank account and one for the art?
  Amy: Hopefully, they’re all for me and all for them, you know. You, even if you’re not…even if it’s a smaller film, you’re hoping that people are gonna go see it and enjoy it. I’ve always been a fan of film, and I have enjoyed going to see different films in different genres over the years, I mean, so I think that’s kind of...I’m reminded of how I feel about film, and that’s basically how I make my choices. I like to see family films, and then I like to see action films, but then I also love to go see independent films.
  Interviewer: So how did you feel about The Master? Was it like a “must do” from the first time people talked to you about it?
  Amy: Oh, yeah! Yeah. Absolutely. The only concern I had was trying to fit it in between, like, The Muppets and Man of Steel, so…
  Interviewer: I see.
  Amy: …so there it is. It went Muppets, Master, Man of Steel—there’s a lot of “M”s. But, yeah, I…that was my biggest concern, ’cause it was I had to do it. I had to make it work.
  记者:那么你觉得《大师》怎么样?当别人第一次和你谈起它的时候你是不是就觉得它是一部“必须拍”的电影?   艾米:噢,是的!是啊,毫无疑问。当时我唯一的顾虑是,如何更好地在《布偶大电影》和《超人:钢铁之躯》的档期之间演好它,所以……记者:我明白了。
  Interviewer: How do you switch from one ball to the other? Is it that easy for you?
  Amy: To switch from…?
  Interviewer: One character to the next.
  Amy: No, you know, you have to…you have to really…It can feel crazy-making, ’cause you really have to…you have to trick your mind, you know. You have to really tell your mind, like, tell yourself, you know.
  Interviewer: What if I ask people from your family, would they know when you’re doing good drama or comedy…
  Amy: Oh yeah.
  Interviewer: …because it would be dark outside the house, or very light, or…
  Amy: It depends, because comedies are a lot of energy, so you’re usually really tired when you’re doing comedy, but definitely I…I can tend to bring home the essence of a character or sort of see if it was a…a day on set that was particularly challenging. I’ve gotten better since having a daughter…
  Interviewer: Umm hmm.
  Amy: …as she’s not as impressed.
  Interviewer: You have to be home when you…when you get home, right?
  Amy: Exactly. I have to be “Mom,” so I guess I’m playing another role, which is Mom, which is my favorite one.
  Interviewer: Were there a point where you had to say yes to pretty much everything, because you want this offer to you?
  Amy: No, I felt more like I had to say yes to things because nothing was offered to me, so I just was trying to find jobs. I would say that for the past. It’s hard for me to look at something that I really love the director, love the script, and like the other actors, but it’s just not gonna work in my life, and to have to walk away from that is really, really hard for me, but I have to understand that I’m not just building a career, I’m building a life, and I can’t let the half of my world disappear, so I can just work on the other half.
  Interviewer: Don’t take that of the bad sign, but when did you know that you were good at what you were doing? Because you are good at it?
  艾米:这得看情况,因为演喜剧需要很多的能量,所以演喜剧的时候经常很累。但可以肯定的是,我可以经常把角色具有的特点带回家里,或者可以说……如果是某一天在片场拍的戏,那就特别具有挑战性。但自从我生了一个女儿之后这种情况就有所好转了……   记者:嗯,嗯。
  Amy: I’m still, you know, I think that if you ever think you’re too good, then you’re in trouble, so you have to constantly work and find new things to do, keep challenging yourself. When I realized I could just make a living at doing this, that was when I was excited.
  Interviewer: OK.
  Amy: I’m, like, OK, I can do this. You know, I’m a perfectionist.
  Interviewer: I wonder what’s the first movie you’re gonna show her. I guess The Muppets, but, you know.
  Amy: Maybe The Muppets…maybe…maybe Enchanted. I’m not sure. She’s heard songs from Enchanted.
  Interviewer: Aah.
  Amy: I don’t know if it’ll just confuse her, but she’s starting to understand what I do. The other day she said, “I…I wanna go to work.” I said, “Really? What are you gonna do at work?”, and she said, “I’m gonna tell stories and people are gonna clap for me and I’m gonna wear high heels.” My daughter’s a bit like me in that, she really enjoys singing and dancing, but the minute you tell her to perform, she gets really shy, and I was the same way as a kid.
  Interviewer: What’s your guilty pleasure?
  Amy: My guilty pleasure?
  Interviewer: Food, drinks, sport? Watching…watching city-TV?
  Amy: All of the above. Not sports, but drinks and TV? Yeah. No, I love American Horror Story. I’m so obsessed with American Horror Story, and Mexican food, and if I can bring the two of them together and eat tacos while I watch American Horror Story, even better.
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