开展检查评比 推动档案工作——省冶金厅1985年科技档案工作检查情况

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省冶金厅于1985年5月16日至5月31日历时十六天组织检查组对厅属企、事业单位的科技档案工作进行了检查。 检查组采取的检查方法是听、看、查、评、议。即:传达袁宝华同志在第二十九次例会上的讲话,被检查单位汇报自检情况,汇报科技档案管理和规章制度执行情况;议论评分,检查组向各单位领导汇报检查情况,并交换评分意见。这次检查各单位都较重视, Provincial Metallurgical Department in May 16, 1985 to May 31, which lasted 16 days of the organizational inspection team on the hall of enterprises and institutions of scientific and technological files were inspected. Inspection team to take the inspection method is to listen, look, check, comment, discussion. Namely, to convey Comrade Yuan Baohua’s speech at the 29th regular meeting, the inspection unit reports the self-inspection situation, reports on the management of scientific and technological archives and the implementation of the rules and regulations; discusses the assessment, the inspection team reports to the leaders of all units to inspect the situation and exchange scores opinion. The inspection units are more attention,
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