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  Renaissance of Grand Canal in Hangzhou
  By Li Zi
  Today, the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal of China looks rejuvenated no matter whether you take a boat tour on the canal or take a stroll along the canal. What has been left over from the glory and glamour of the Grand Canal are still there: bridges, levees, docks, piers, barns, warehouses, streets and lanes, residential houses. Gongshu District of Hangzhou is a typical area which once prospered thanks to its geographical advantages created by the canal. Nowadays, the old canal zone is ten creative cultural sites such as LOFT49, the Creative Industrial Park, Lefu Smart Zone, Huayuan Creative Factory, Zhejiang Kiln, Fuyi Granary Zone, Silk Works 166. Also on the canal are four high-rise modern buildings.   Unlike cultural businesses in other districts of the city, the above-mentioned cultural businesses in Gongshu District are located in the old factories which used to flank the Canal. The blueprints for these cultural businesses were developed in conjuncture with the blueprints of local tourism. With these blueprints, Gongshu District has turned quite a few factory houses into incubators of creative ideas, art, and fashion.
  Aspiration-Silk Work166 is situated at 166 Lishui Road on the Grand Canal. The site used to house a large silk dyeing business. In 2005, the factory workshops, which measure 1,2000 square meters of built-up area, were turned into four sections: work, display, entertainment and a central square. What makes the zone stands out is a big logo and many trees left over from the past. For many young people in Hangzhou, it is Peach Cafe in Aspiration-Silk Work166 that allured them first to the new site. Featured in white and a feeling of industrial house lost in history, youngsters love to hang out there, enjoying afternoon sunshine and a cup of coffee.
  Also located in the area are some museums which highlight traditional culture and ancient canal-centered lifestyle. Handicrafts in Action, a museum situated in the previous workshops of a yarn-spinning factory, was founded in May 2011. The major crafts on display are Zhang Xiaoquan scissors and Wang Xing Ji paper fans, two traditional handicrafts of Hangzhou. Visitors can see the best products and they can view how craftsmen make scissors and fans on the spot. The museum also provides a hands-on experience. In May, 2013, the museum closed its door for an expansion project. The project is slated to conclude in October, 2013. It will expand to 3,000 square meters and 19 kinds of handicrafts, which are also intangible cultural heritages, will be exhibited. Masters will be there to demonstrate the traditional procedures and techniques. One section of the museum exhibits about 100 photographs highlighting the life and work of the Hangzhou First Cotton Textile Factory.
  Tangxi, a canal zone in a northern suburb of Hangzhou, is now experiencing a renaissance as as a canal town. In association with the application campaign for acquiring a world heritage status and with international tourism featuring canal features, Tangxi now presents three historical streets. A few domestic and international restaurant chains have gravitated toward Tangxi. Tangxi is going to develope four isles to attract international tourists.   At the end of 2012, a development forum was held in Hangzhou, featuring the theme “New Canal, New Economy, New Value”. It examined development opportunities for the millennium-old canal district in Hangzhou, with a focus on economic potentiality in the canal zone and regional economic growth in the next decade.
  Thanks to the development over the past 10 plus years, the canal is no longer shipping centered. It is now home to a modern tertiary industry specialized in tourism, ecology and creative cultural businesses.
  The development strategy for the canal-zone is the latest urban development phase of Hangzhou: The past two development phases have been around the West Lake and across Qiantang River.
  At present, the application for acquiring a world heritage status for the Grand Canal of China is at a substantial stage. It can be imagined that granted the status, the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal will be another call card of Hangzhou. For the development planners of the city, how to better protect and utilize the resources of the Grand Canal, how to give full play to the role the Grand Canal plays in culture, tourism, economy and human residence, will be a tough task. The city planners are now considering ways to integrate the canal into the city's future.
城镇化在推进的同时,把文化种植到现代农业中去,从而成为新农村的立身之本,也成为自身的精神命脉。衢州柯城区举办油菜花文化旅游观光节,让人们回归安适的田园生活,既欣赏自然美景,又享受到文化盛宴。  春上一个浅云薄烟的日子,去沟溪看油菜花。  以前读书,印象中的三衢道上,是两宋诗人留下的一幅幅画图:秧田白鹭、蓑衣牛背,还有晴时梅子雨……  冲淡、简约,有些清俊。  历史上,衢州是一块农业生产的重要区域,
世界非物质文化遗产展,由法国每年主办一次。去年,2012年,第十七届展会在巴黎举行,中国有15位国家级非遗传承人及其52件瓷器和海派旗袍的作品参与,主办方为之颁发了展会荣誉证书。  展会上,来自浙江的中国工艺美术大师毛正聪设计制作的两件龙泉青瓷作品《碎玉》《珍珠梅瓶》特别吸引人,老外纷纷竖起大拇指,操着半生不熟的中国话,连声夸道:“OK,中国雪拉同(西方人称青瓷为雪拉同)……”  情有独钟雪拉同 
梅里金顶 ( 鲍钢 摄) Golden Peaks of Meili Snow Mountains (By Bao Gang)  荷之韵 ( 叶国华 摄) Rhythm of Lotus Flower (By Ye Guohua)  登陆 ( 胡激勇 摄) Alighting (By Hu Jiyong)  蓝天同鸟 ( 戴爱萍 摄) Blue Sky and Bird (By Dai Aipin
位于杭州富阳九龙大道上的抱华楼,有着西方建筑的现代感,简洁的几何形体造型、拱形的连廊、金字塔式的天窗……但却透着浓郁的中国江南气质:天青色的外立面,小桥流水,楼里还蓄水养了几十尾金鱼。  2013年6月13日,这栋“中国”的“现代”小楼迎来了一场“艺术的盛宴”,中西文化在这里交汇,国内外友人在这里共聚—由波兰玛丽亚·居里夫人大学、中国艺术报、浙江省美术家协会、浙江工业大学艺术学院、杭州师范大学美术
在举国上下学习、宣传和全面贯彻落实十八大精神之际,我们迎来了2013年。新年伊始,我们特向关心支持《文化交流》杂志的各级领导、各界人士和广大读者致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!  过去的一年是不平凡的一年,中国共产党胜利召开了第十八次全国代表大会。十八大是在我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会,也是党的奋斗历程中又一次承前启后、继往开来的大会,举世瞩目,意义重大,影响深远。  “
缪惠新被海外艺术界誉为“中国的毕加索”,也被列入“亚洲十位艺术家”之列,他最得意的是这幅名为《乡情》的画作。  Acclaimed as China’s Picasso and one of the top ten Asian artists, Miao Huixin is proud of his Home Nostalgia.  农历六月的杭州,闷热多雨。唯一能让人觉得一丝神清气爽的,大概只有
现有世界遗产名录中的运河均为工业革命时期的水工技术典范,中国大运河作为农业文明时代的水利技术巅峰杰作来申遗,开创了首例。  大运河“申遗”不是中国文化遗产的全部,它蕴含的是中华民族特有的精神价值、思维方式与想象力。这说明文化是发展的意义来源。  中国大运河将申报世界遗产,但大运河究竟包含了哪些内涵,这样的遗产又有何意义?就这些问题,笔者受《文化交流》杂志委托、特约采访了浙江大学跨文化研究所吴宗杰教
AIESEC(国际经济学商学学生联合会)LOGO (晓柒提供)  The logo of AIESEC  这个夏天,在中国杭州、在位于主城区的天水街道里,三名大学生国际志愿者与社区居民展开了一次为期四周、别开生面的互动。  互动:交流从陌生到融洽  “Welcome to the English corner! Our topic today is Traveling the world.(欢迎来
以表现中华文化精神为内在质素的琴文化不仅仅是一种“艺”,它其实有着更为深刻的文化内涵。曾几何时,它是人们生活方式的行为准则,所谓“众器之中,琴德最优”(嵇康语)。  “大音信希声,余美如甘蔗。”  古琴,作为华夏文明在几千年历史长河中内涵丰富的重要乐器,也不知流传下多少经典旋律和悠久传说。自古以来,华夏的先民们赋予了这样传统乐器极高的文化定位和艺术基调。  作为古琴流派中最为著名的“浙派”发源地,
在我国宜居城市奉化,有个风情醉人的尚田镇。那里东南平旷近海,西北群峰高峻。蓝天白云下,远山隐隐,近山苍苍。发源于山中的县溪、东江流经尚田。伴随着袅袅茶香,呈现出古村的七彩农事。  天工造化  尚田的地名历史起始何时,有待细考。不过,在500多年前,尚田已名闻遐迩。朝鲜官员崔溥乘船遭遇风浪,漂流到宁海上岸,从陆路返国,撰写《飘海录》,书中写到“经尚田铺”。崔溥由宁海西店过尚田,记叙了奉化驿铺的地方风