实行内部承包 落实发电厂经营自主权

来源 :水利电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:d632709901
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目前作为电力基层企业的发电厂,经营机制没有得到转变,基本上仍是省电力局行政机构的附属物,省电力公司的一个发电车间,收支两条线没有打破,远没有成为自主经营,自负盈亏的商品生产者和经营者。《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》主要是扩大和落实企业的经营自主权。这是转换经营机制的关键所在,而转换经营机制实质就是调整国家与企业的责、权、利关系。要不要落实发电厂作为一个企业的生产经营自主权?通过什么形式去落实?这是当前我们企业管理协会工作者研讨的课题。本文就实行投入产出内部承包落实发电厂经营自主权谈谈看法并提出承包的构思。 At present, as a power plant of a power grass-roots enterprise, the operating mechanism has not been transformed. It is still an appendage to the administrative body of the Provincial Power Bureau, a power plant of the provincial power company, and the two lines of income and expenditure have not been broken and are far from becoming independent operations. Self-financing product producers and operators. The Regulations on the Conversion of Operational Mechanisms for Ownership-Owned Industrial Enterprises is mainly to expand and implement the operational autonomy of enterprises. This is the key to transforming the operating mechanism, and the essence of the transformation of the operating mechanism is to adjust the relationship between the state and the company’s responsibilities, rights and interests. Whether or not to implement the power plant as a company’s autonomy in production and management, and in what form does it take to implement? This is the subject of the current discussions of our enterprise management associations. This article discusses the idea of ​​implementing input-output internal contracting to implement power plant operation autonomy and proposes contracting.
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本刊二届三次编委会工作会议于1990—9—22在老干部活动室召开,19名编委和顾问出席了会议。会议由编委会第一副主任张清朗厂长助理主持。会议议题是: 1.听取上次会议以来编