媒介昆虫是一类通过吸血传播病原的节肢动物,主要包括蚊虫、猎蝽、蚤、蠓和白蛉等.媒介昆虫能够传播多种传染性致病因子,在人群中可引起疟疾、登革热、基孔肯尼亚热、寨卡热等多种疾病,严重危害人类健康.对媒介昆虫的综合防控,是控制媒介传染病的重要手段和前提.本文主要总结了国内外近五年来媒介昆虫领域研究的新方法、新理论和重要进展,同时比较了我国与其他国家在媒介昆虫方面的研究差异,提出了我国媒介昆虫学未来的战略需求和重点发展方向.“,”Vector insects are typically blood-sucking pests, including mosquitoes, ticks, kissing bugs, fleas, midges, and sandflies. These insects can transmit a variety of infectious disease pathogens including, malaria, dengue fever, Kikonkenia fever and Zika fever that seriously endanger human health. The integrated control of vector insects is an important way of controlling such infectious diseases. This paper summarizes new methods, theories and other progress in this field over the past five years both home and abroad, and compares differences in the study of vector insects in China with that in other countries. We also discuss the strategic demands and key directions for future research on vector insects.