Yunnan Copper Industry Set up a Raw Material Company

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It is reported that Yunnan Copper Industry Co.,Ltd.will invest and establish a new companycalled Yunnan Copper Raw Materials Co.,Ltd.,in collaboration with its major shareholders,Yunan Copper Group Limited,Yimen CopperCo.,Ltd.,Yunnan Datong Industrial Co.,Ltd,Mid-Yunnan Nonferrous Metals Co.,Ltd.ofChuxiong and Yuxi Copper Co.,Ltd.of Yun-nan,.The new company is proposed to have an in-vestment of RMB 20 million,in which YunnanCopper will contribute RMB 10.5 million It is reported that Yunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd.will invest and establish a new companycalled Yunnan Copper Raw Materials Co., Ltd., in collaboration with its major shareholders, Yunan Copper Group Limited, Yimen Copper Co., Ltd., Yunnan Datong Industrial Co., Ltd, Mid-Yunnan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. of Chuxiong and Yuxi Copper Co., Ltd. of Yun-nan, The new company is proposed to have an in-vestment of RMB 20 million, in which Yunnan Copper will contribute RMB 10.5 million
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