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地球化学分析方法已广泛运用于火成岩成因的研究中,但对于一些蚀变较严重的岩石,有时仅通过地球化学分析难以还原岩浆固结的过程。火成岩定量化结构分析方法是通过对岩石中矿物的定量分析(诸如晶体粒度分布分析,晶体空间分布分析,以及晶体定向程度分析等),从而反演岩浆固结过程中发生的动力学过程。这种方法很好地避免了蚀变作用对还原岩体形成过程所产生的诸多影响。本文运用火成岩定量化结构分析方法,对新疆莫阿特茂金花岗斑岩体钻孔中10个样品的钾长石斑晶和石英斑晶分别进行分析。尽管这些样品普遍发生了碳酸盐化蚀变作用,定性观察中结构特征也比较均一,但是钾长石和石英斑晶的定量化结构数据及其在钻孔深度(约170 m)范围内的变化趋势显示,茂金花岗斑岩体可能至少由4次脉冲岩浆叠加形成,每股岩浆中心的CSD曲线小晶体缺乏,发生了粗化现象。由于脉冲式岩浆多次注入,导致的温度振荡加剧了矿物粗化。脉冲岩浆中心处斑晶体积含量的增加,可能与岩浆流动过程中对大晶体的影响有关,80 m深度以下脉冲岩浆接触带的斑晶体积含量明显增加,是由于机械压缩导致的。 Geochemical analysis methods have been widely used in the study of igneous genesis. However, for some rocks with more serious alteration, it is sometimes difficult to reduce the consolidation process of magma only by geochemical analysis. Quantitative structural analysis of igneous rocks is based on the quantitative analysis of minerals in the rock (such as the analysis of crystal size distribution, the analysis of crystal spatial distribution, and the degree of crystal orientation analysis), so as to invert the dynamic process occurring in the process of magma consolidation. This method well avoids many effects of alteration on the formation of reduced rock mass. In this paper, the quantitative analysis of igneous rocks is used to analyze the K-feldspar phenocrysts and quartz porphyrites in 10 samples from the drilling of the Moat metallocene porphyry in Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Despite the widespread carbonate alteration in these samples and the structural characterization in qualitative observations, the quantitative structure data of K-feldspar and quartz porphyrite and their changes in borehole depth (~ 170 m) The trend shows that the metallocene granitic porphyry may be formed by the superimposition of at least four pulsed magmas, and the CSD curve of each magma center lacks crystals and coarsening occurs. Due to the pulsed magma multiple infusions, the resulting temperature oscillations exacerbate mineral coarsening. The increase of the content of the plaque in the pulsed magma center may be related to the influence of large crystals during the magma flow. The volume of the porphyrin in the contact zone of the pulsed magma below 80 m is obviously increased due to the mechanical compression.
中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)24-135-01     合作学习是以课堂上师生合作为主的一种教学方法,它以全员互动为基本动力,以小组活动为基本教学形式,以团体成绩为评价标准,以全面提高学生的学业成绩和形成良好的心理品质为根本目标,是一种高效、愉快的教学活动。  经过几年的初中英语课堂实践,笔者在教学中深深体会到:实施合作学习首先应创建有效的合作
摘 要:兴趣是学生学好数学最持久,最强大的动力。本人从多年的教学实践中总结摸索出培养学生学习数学兴趣的几种方法,愿与同行共勉。  关键词:数学 美 设疑 教学效果  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)24-136-01     学习兴趣是学生学好各门功课的关键。对数学知识的内容和对数学思维方法的兴趣越厚,学习数学的积极性就保持得越长久。数学教学实践证明
This is the pedagogical justification of a 100-minute lesson plan for the writing class targeted at the intermediate level students. It gives detailed explanati
中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-1875(2009)24-137-01     从学生们使用该校本教材,所写的心得体会和小论文中,表现出他们的收获的不仅是数学方面的知识与能力,还有合作意识、团队精神,等等。师生可以在这个“数学实验室”里互动教学,动手操作课件, 以函数为主线,以参数讨论为重点,以形数结合为方法,用眼观察变化,动脑思考问题,归纳总结规律,分析讨论研究、推
什么样的研究才是中小学教师所需要的?什么样的研究才是属于或者说适宜于中小学教师的?对这一问题的回答,直接涉及中小学教师教育 What kind of research is required by pr
中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)24-138-01     传统教学观念认为,概括化的知识是学习的核心内容,这些知识可以从具体情境中抽象出来,让学生脱离具体物理情境和社会实践情境进行学习,而所习得的概括化知识可以自然地迁移到各种具体情境中。而建构主义者提出,知识是生存在具体的、情境性的、可感知的活动之中的。它不是一套独立于情境的知识符号,不可能脱离活