Spring in Orphanage

来源 :Human Rights | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ksxxccna
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In the Happy Village residential subdivision in Lhasa there is a well-known orphanage named after Renzeng Quzhen, who is the mother of the orphanage’s current director. From 1997 Quzhen began taking care of orphans in her home. With a big nonlocal population, including pilgrims, busi-nesspeople, aimless migrants and passers-by, living in the nearby Gama Gongsang subdivision, there appeared a lot of orphans not adopted by anyone in the area where Quzhen lives. On November 19, 2001, Quzhen set up the Quzhen Preschool Class in the Aixin Kindergarden in Lhasa’s Najin Township. With the class, Quzhen adopted many orphans and recruited two teachers to take care of them. At that time, Nima, Quzhen’s daughter, was a tour guide. She wanted to feed the orphans with her income. She had two In the Happy Village residential subdivision in Lhasa there is a well-known orphanage named after Renzeng Quzhen, who is the mother of the orphanage’s current director. From 1997 Quzhen began taking care of orphans in her home. With a big nonlocal population, including pilgrims , busi-nesspeople, aimless migrants and passers-by, living in the nearby Gama Gongsang subdivision, there appeared a lot of orphans not adopted by anyone in the area where Quzhen lives. On November 19, 2001, Quzhen set up the Quzhen Preschool Class in the Aixin Kindergarden in Lhasa’s Najin Township. With the class, Quzhen carried many orphans and recruited two teachers to take care of them. At that time, Nima, Quzhen’s daughter, was a tour guide. She wanted to feed the orphans with her income She had two
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