Designing for Life

来源 :西江文艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangnayangyang
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  【Abstract】:Through the analyzation and exploration of modern people's needs in life, the paper studies the impact of design on life further,in order to analyze people’s specific requirements for design and the future development orientation that product design should focus on.Designing for life places an emphasis on that design should be human-centered,which meets human needs for emotions and spirit fully on the basis of fully meeting functional requirements.People’s demands for design mainly reflected in the requirements of their lives, and then affects the direction and meaning of product design.
  【Keywords】:Requirements;Product design;Naoto Fukasawa;Lifestyle
  With the development of society,the status of design become increasingly significant in people's life and all aspects of human life are affected by design.Only when designs fully meet the needs of people's life can the meaning of design be reflected.Only the human-centered design can reflect the concern and respect to human beings and express the humanistic care and humanization in the product. Human centered means a design with life needs at the core,so the product design should fully meet the demand of people's life.
  Ⅱ. Design Meeting Demands of Life
  People's basic life is nothing but clothes, food, shelter and travel and the meaning of design is trying to optimize the basic living needs.Designs meeting those needs is called "Long Life Design" which strives for backing to the origin of life,taking a look at designs  closely related to life around us and discussing the nature and connotation of design in life in the most accessible way.Designing for life is to consider what really design is from the perspective of life demand,in this way we can still be able to review the distracting and dazzling things which is restored to an eternal life starting point when facing all kinds of changes of The Times.
  The designing information conveyed by a design which meets the needs of life doesn’t attract people's attention through the strong visual impact but penetrates into people's life and become a habit in our lives. Just this kind of design is a mature, effective and powerful.
  2.1. Discovering Design in Life
  The design has no chance of self-expression from the perspective of the nature of design whose foothold focuses more on the social life, solving the problem facing the majority of people in the social life and this is the essence of  design.Designing for life  advocates finding problems from life and our living environment was originally composed of specific details.Finding problems in life and then optimizing and solving them with design is the process of discovering design in life. The future development of designing for life is the integration of life consciousness and the science and technology.   The Swiss company Noonee recently developed a wearable “invisible chair”—chairless chair which can be worn on the leg like exoskeleton for Audi AG.The purpose of the research on this kind of chair is that Audi workshop workers stood nearly eight hours a day and they needed to adjust machine most of the time,so their standing posture was very uncomfortable.This is a nightmare for ergonomics. In order to solve the discomforts brought by long time standing and guarantee a more smooth work for workers.Audi AG entrusted Noonee with the design of a wearable chair.Why not just sit on the stool?There isn’t much room in Audi's workshop for workers to have a rest in order to satisfy the maximum area of utilization.So an exoskeleton like this is a choice for them which can ensure workers sit down anywhere all day.The design is simple and clear with titanium frames around the workers’ legs like pillars and auxiliary belts arounding their shoulders tied to the workers on their torsos .Workers can move and work as usual and at the push of a button,the frameworks around the legs automatically change into the shape of chairs let they adjust the angle when they want to sit down so the weight of the body burdens can be  transferred from titanium to the ground.
  This is the process of finding problems in life , and using design to solve them and determine the direction and core of the design concerning demands in lie.
  2.2. Optimize Design Meeting the Demand of Life Constantly
  Nowadays,society is developing instantly and people's lifestyle is always developing rapidly.
  Japanese architect Shigeru Ban of toilet paper has been re-designed.If you roll the middle with square paper tube, then you will get a roll of square paper roll, which is perhaps the best way to reduce waste: pulling the paper will not be very smooth, but also produce resistance so you can not use a lot of paper. Furthermore, by reducing display space, the packaging and transporting are more convenient, which reduces costs.
  Ⅲ.Guide the design focused on life
  Designs focused on life should show personalities as much as possible and guide the development of design while meeting the various needs of people's lives.Design should not go along with the demand of people's lives but lead the demand of people's lives.
  3.2. good-enough design
  successful design is always appropraiately moving and satisfying your wants nicely without deliberation,exaggeration and sensationalism.An unexpected design supposed to be like this.   Naoto Fukasawa used to design a umbrella bucket,while in most cases,everybody can't help thinking of barrel things when it comes to umbrella buckets.What Naoto Fukasawa design is digging out a 8 mm deep 5 mm wide groove 15 cm away from the wall. People will look for the small groove with umbrella tips naturally when they want to put down them.The umbrellas would be arranged against a wall when umbrella tips Standing in the groove,in this way the groove acts as umbrella bucket.
  This is good-enough design which seemingly very simple and normal but surprising.
  Now that design is profit motivated,it should meet the needs of the customers,So the needs of the people's life determines the direction of the design.On the other hand design guides lifestyles and changes lagging habits.Designing for life, while meeting and guiding life’s demands.
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A study of tropes in Huo Zhe
【ABSTRACT】:With the improvement of living standards,jewelrys with ubiquitous design are not satisfactory to consumers anymore, while distinctive products with inventive design are increasingly pursued
【摘要】:观念,是在长期的自然实践与社会实践中人们对于事物、社会、乃至整个世界的看法。观念影响着人们的言行举止,同样影响着中西方艺术家的艺术创作。深刻的理解中西方艺术家作画背后的自然观念与宗教观念,能使我们更好的理解中西方艺术发展轨道的异同,进而能够更好的分析地域文化下艺术发展的异同,理解艺术家在创作过程中所追求的境界与表达的心境。  【关键词】:观念;楚文化;艺术思维;传统文化  "观念"一词,
【摘要】:本文运用praat分析“N鼻音+V元音”类单音节,考察广州话鼻声母/m/、/n/、/?/的声学特性。主要包括提取鼻声母时长、能量值和共振峰。通过研究发现,在后接元音时,鼻声母的发音强度都是由弱渐强的变化。鼻声母的共振峰受后接元音的影响很小,反之,它对后接元音影响较大,且/m-/、/n-/、/?-/影响程度有区别,/?-/对后接元音的舌位及开口度的影响程度比/m-/、/n-/的要大。  【
【摘要】:约翰·巴勒斯是美国十九世纪著名的自然学家。他一生创作了二十五部作品,多以描述自然,尤其是自然界中的动物与植物。巴勒斯一生都在做着一件简单的事情:把人们送往大自然,他提倡人们应该回归大自然,尊重自然、敬畏自然与自然和谐相处。  【关键词】:约翰·巴勒斯;自然;生态思想  一、约翰·巴勒斯生平  1837年,约翰·巴勒斯出生于纽约州风景如画的卡茨奇山附近的农场里,巴勒斯的家庭以种植和畜牧为生
【摘要】:生态翻译学是从生态学视角综观翻译活动的研究,是翻译即适应与选择的生态范式。外宣翻译要特别注重平衡各方的环境,以达到最佳传播的目的。  【关键词】:生态翻译;外宣翻译  一、引言  生态翻译学自2001年提出已经经历了10多年。该理论已经有百余篇专题文章发表、经过“两岸四地”连续研讨、国家级研究课题立项、高层次论坛主旨报告以及外语翻译期刊专栏设置,显示出该理论的高度影响力。生态翻译学得益于