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教学常规是提高幼儿园教学效益的根本保障。加强教学常规管理,可以不断优化幼儿园管理,使幼儿园的教育教学进一步规范,促进教学质量的提高。一、抓教学常规作为农村幼儿园,教师队伍老化、没有幼教经验是我们教师队伍的一大实情。面对这一实情,我想到的是首先把主要力量集中在教学常规管理中的教和学两个方面,在教法和学法的改革变化上下功夫。所以我们利用外出学习和网络学习来改变我们的老师,让我们的老师吸取别人的精华,并尝试运用到自己的课堂教学中,来逐步提高和完善自己的教学,收到了较好的效果。几年来,我们一直这样坚持,教师们认为这样很实在,便于实行。比如说检查教师的教案,我们就看教学有没有面向全体幼儿,如何剖析重点、如何分散难点等等。教与学我们从来不摆花架子,从一点一滴做起,脚踏实地的去落实。每次听完课,我们总是先进行系统分析,指出每节课的优缺点,再充分了解和掌握教师教学的过程和目标的落实,师幼双边活动的开展,教师语言是否儿童化等等。抓教学常规管理并不是我们的目的,而是一种管理的 Teaching routine is to improve the kindergarten teaching the fundamental guarantee. Strengthen the management of teaching routine, you can continue to optimize kindergarten management, kindergarten education and teaching to further standardize and promote the improvement of teaching quality. First, grasping the teaching routine As a rural kindergarten, teachers aging, there is no preschool experience is a major fact that our teachers. In the face of this fact, what I am thinking of is that we should focus on the teaching and learning in the conventional management of teaching at first, and work hard on the reform and change of teaching and learning methods. Therefore, we use out-going study and e-learning to change our teachers so that our teachers can draw on the best of others and try to apply them to their own classroom teaching so as to gradually improve and perfect their teaching and receive better results. In recent years, we have always insisted that teachers think it is so practical and easy to implement. For example, check the teacher’s lesson plans, we see if teaching for all children, how to analyze the key, how to disperse the difficulties and so on. Teaching and learning We never put flowers on shelves, starting from a little bit by bit, down to earth to implement. Every time we finish class, we always carry out systematic analysis, point out the advantages and disadvantages of each class, then fully understand and master the implementation of teacher teaching process and objectives, carry out the bilateral activities of teachers and children, and whether the teacher language is child-oriented. . Routine management of teaching is not our purpose, but a management