
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghgbmnmaps
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Background: Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is a mitochond rial cytopathy presenting with ptosis and external ophthalmoparesis. Mitochondri al disorders are characterized by a broad clinical spectrum and genetic backgrou nd with marked genotype/phenotype variability. The routine diagnostic work-up u sually includes clinical and laboratory examinations as well as histological and histochemical analysis of skeletal muscle biopsy. In our case only an additiona l molecular biological examination allowed the diagnosis of CPEO. Patient and Me thods: We report a 35-year-old woman with a 7-years history of slowly progres sive diplopia due to impaired ocular motility and bilateral ptosis. We performed ophthalmological and neurological examinations, laboratory testing, lower limb skeletal muscle biopsy including histo logical and histochemical investigations, biochemical analysis of respiratory ch ain enzymes in skeletal muscle homogenate and molecular genetic testing of skele tal muscle DNA. Results: Although clinical, laboratory, histological and biochem ical analyses did not give any hints suggesting a mitochondrial cytopathy, molec ular genetic testing of total DNA from skeletal muscle tissue by Southern blot a nalysis finally revealed a 3.8 kb mitochondrial DNA deletion with a degree of he teroplasmy of 45%. Conclusions: In patients with unexplained binocular diplopia , oculomotor deficits and/or acquired ptosis, an underlying mitochondrial cytopa thy should be considered. Even in the case of inconspicuous skeletal muscle hist ology and biochemistry, molecular genetic testing of skeletal muscle DNA is advi sable in order to establish the diagnosis. Background: Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is a mitochondri rial cytopathy presenting with ptosis and external ophthalmoparesis. Mitochondri al disorders are characterized by a broad clinical spectrum and genetic backgrou nd with marked genotype / phenotype variability. The routine diagnostic work-up u sually includes clinical and laboratory examinations as well as histological and histochemical analysis of skeletal muscle biopsy. In our case only an additiona l molecular biological examination allowed the diagnosis of CPEO. Patient and Me thods: We report a 35-year-old woman with a 7 -years history of slowly progres sive diplopia due to impaired ocular motility and bilateral ptosis. We performed ophthalmological and neurological examinations, laboratory testing, lower limb skeletal muscle biopsy including histo logical and histochemical investigations, biochemical analysis of respiratory ch anin enzymes in skeletal muscle homogenate and molecular molecular testing of skel Results: Although clinical, laboratory, histological and biochemical analyzes did not give any hints suggesting a mitochondrial cytopathy, molecullar genetic testing of total DNA from skeletal muscle tissue by Southern blot a nalysis finally revealed a 3.8 kb mitochondrial DNA deletion with a degree of he teroplasmy of 45%. Conclusions: In patients with unexplained binocular diplopia, oculomotor deficits and / or acquired ptosis, an underlying mitochondrial cytopa thy should be considered. Even in the case of inconspicuous skeletal muscle histology and biochemistry, molecular genetic testing of skeletal muscle DNA is advi sable in order to establish the diagnosis.
(接上期)  六小时一顿饭和八小时一张画  在那批“黑画”风暴阵阵刮来的时候,石鲁又一次搁笔不画了。  台风的中心是宁静的。  当这一阵紧锣密鼓又将拉开一场批判大戏的时候,被批判的核心人物石鲁反倒逍遥起来。  他每天怪模怪样地转那座钟楼,仿佛要从那富丽堂皇的古代建筑上转出来什么似的,又好像即将被揪出来的不是他,而是另外一个人。  一天中午,他走到钟楼南边丁字路口的时候,碰上了原来西安美院的学生周光