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民诉法第108条规定了起诉的五项基本条件,即原告是与案件有直接利害关系的民事诉讼主体、有明确的被告、有具体的诉讼请求、有相应的事实和理由、属于人民法院主管和受诉法院管辖.那么,根据什么来判断原告是否与案件有直接利害关系?什么是“明确的被告”?上述起诉条件之间的关系又是什么?目前这些问题的认识不尽相同,审判实践中对起诉条件的掌握也有宽严之别.以下笔者通过对起诉条件相互关系的分析,谈谈对立案条件的理解.一、事实与证据的关系在起诉诸条件中“有相应的事实”是最基本的要素,它也是据以判断原、被告是否合格以及是否属于人民法院主管和受诉法院管辖的基本依据,因此要正确把握起诉条件首先应弄清民诉法第108条中“事实”的含义及“有相应的事实’这一条件的具体要求.笔者认 Article 108 of Civil Procedure Law stipulates the five basic conditions for prosecution, that is, the plaintiff is the subject of civil litigation that has a direct interest in the case. There are definite defendants and specific litigation claims, with corresponding facts and reasons, and belong to the people’s court Supervisor and the court under the jurisdiction of the court.Then, on what basis to determine whether the plaintiff has a direct interest in the case? What is the “clear defendant” What is the relationship between the above conditions of prosecution? At present the understanding of these issues are not the same, Judicial practice of the conditions of prosecution are also tightest distinction between the following author by analyzing the relationship between the prosecution conditions, to talk about the understanding of the conditions of filing.First, the relationship between facts and evidence in the prosecution conditions “there is a corresponding fact It is also the basic basis for judging whether the original defendant or the defendant is qualified and whether it belongs to the jurisdiction of the people’s court and the court of appeal. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear that the conditions of prosecution should be clarified clearly in Article 108 of the Civil Procedure Law Facts ”and the specific requirements of“ having the corresponding facts ”
1  站在县城法院的阶基上,头顶上是一个硕大的国徽。云姐迅速把眼睛往低处放,像是搜寻失落的东西。她的手,不易察觉地抖动着。  这一幕让陪着来办离婚手续的我瞅个正着。我装着什么也没看见,只是说,我再打个电话。  电话是打给法院的人。我托了在县城工作的朋友,朋友又找了一个朋友,此般辗转,终于在法院办理离婚的民事庭找到了一个熟人。  因为没有来办过,听说手续很复杂,尤其是云姐这样的情况。当事人一方不在,
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