场地小是当前农村小学体育教学中普遍面临的一个问题,这给上体育课带来一定困难。怎样解决这一矛盾?在实践中我总结了以下八种教学方法。 一、就地取材法。指常见的适合少年儿童的活动和游戏,简单易行,占地不大,稍加改进即可用于体育教学。如踢键子、跳皮筋、举石拐、掰手腕、跳“房子”、拔河、打陀螺、踩高跷和角力(棒、绳、扁担等)。民间武术如拳、棍、棒等。有的可代替大纲和课本中的基本教材,如民间武术套路;有的可作为素质练习,如角力;有的可用游戏的形式,作为课的基本部分的辅助教材,如跳皮筋。
The small venue is a common problem in PE teaching in rural primary schools, which brings some difficulties to PE classes. How to solve this contradiction? In practice, I summarized the following eight kinds of teaching methods. First, the local material method. Refers to the common activities and games suitable for children, simple, small footprint, a little improvement can be used for physical education. Such as kicking keys, jumping rubber bands, lifting Shiguai, breaking your wrists, jumping “houses”, tug of war, spinning tops, stilts and wrestling (sticks, ropes, poles, etc.). Folk martial arts such as boxing, sticks, sticks and so on. Some can replace the basic textbooks and textbooks, such as folk martial arts routines; some can be used as a quality exercise, such as wrestling; and some can be used in the form of games, as an essential part of the auxiliary textbook materials, such as jumping rubber band.