Cultivating Cultural Awareness of EFL Learners in High School English teaching: Problems and Solutio

来源 :中学生英语·外语教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cccqyu
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  As for English learners, having English cultural awareness is necessary in English learning since culture is the basis of grasping a language. Therefore, the teachers should realize some problems in traditional teaching and have the cultural awareness through teaching.
  1. Introduction
  Cultural awareness is the understanding of the social regulations, the concept of value, beliefs of the target language.
  2. A Survey on Cultivating Cultural Awareness in a High School
  2.1 Students’ subjective attitude
  Interest: Every 57 just so so 41 none 2 resist 0
  Importance: E very 53 just so so, 46 not important 1, doesn’t matter 0
  Easiness: Every 4 just so so 66 little difficult 28 very difficult 2
  External learning factors
  Teacher: none 0 not adequate 0 moderate 100 too much 0
  Class activity: none 1 not adequate 2 moderate 97 too much 0
  Materials: none 1 not adequate 17 moderate 83 too much 0
  Test: too little 21 moderate 75 much 3 too much 1
  Main way: traditional media 19 new media 49 teachers 25 go abroad 7
  Experience: many 16 sometimes 74 once 4 none 6
  Concrete settings
  Cultural conflict: accept 43 adapt 42 resist 4 not met yet 11
  So we can note that most of the students are interested in English culture but some of them still think that English culture is not that easy to learn. Most of the students think that their teachers, the class activities and materials have given them a proper amount of teaching about the culture part. But there are still 25% students regard the teachers’ teaching in class as their main way to get cultural knowledge.
  2.2 Questions’ accuracy:
  11 47.5% 12 40% 13 78% 14 91.5% 15 98% 16 94.5% 17 78% 18 40% 19 96.5% 20 75%
  So we can conclude that the students know some common cultural knowledge, but they don’t have a very good understanding about some deep cultural background knowledge, such as belief and nicknames. The third part reflects students’ communicative ability, and the results show that they need more knowledge to reach a high communicative ability especially about some common phrases.
  3. The Problems and Solutions
  From the research, we can find out these problems in current situation of cultivating cultural awareness. We find that our teaching emphasizes on the language knowledge rather than cultural awareness cultivation. And we emphasize on memorizing cultural knowledge rather than understanding. Thirdly, we emphasize on the knowledge rather than practical use. What’s more, we emphasize on learning in class rather than exploring by themselves.
  According to the current situation and the existing problems based on the analysis of the survey, the author tries to put forward some suggestive solutions for the teachers. First, the teachers should design more activities in class related to cultivating cultural awareness. Then the teachers should perform the culture teaching in deeper and wider Range.
  It is desirable for the findings reported in this paper and I hope that they can also be used to give some help to English learners in China.
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In order to change the present situation of English writing teaching in middle schools, the author did an investigation in several middle schools in Jiangxi Ji’an and analyzed the reasons.  1. Researc
随着新课程改革向纵深推进,学生的学习方式发生了巨大的转变,表现在课堂教学之中,首先是学习的形式发生了变化。在中学英语课堂教学中,小组合作学习充分地调动了学生的积极性,解决了课堂教学中学生注意力涣散的问题,学生分层搭配构建小组的实践也提高了学生的学习能力,让课堂教学质量得到了有效的提高。针对课堂教学中提高小组合作学习有效性的做法,我认为可以从以下三个方面着手。  1. 根据学生学习的具体情况分层,制
非语言因素一般包括教师的眼神、表情、手势、姿态乃至教师的语音、语调等。这些因素在不同的情景中所表达的内容和情感是不同的。教育家艾伯特.梅热比经过实验曾提出这样一公式“交往双方的相互理解——语言占45% 表情占55%。在英语课堂教学中,通过巧妙地运用非语言艺术,可以帮助学生打开思路,提高理解能力。因此,我们更应该巧妙地运用非语言因素来提高英语课堂的教学效率。本文就非语言因素在课堂教学中的使用谈几点感
英语句子由单词、短语共同构成,而音标是学好英语单词的基础。加之,音标符合语言的运用技巧,能提高学生口语运用的积极性,能加强学生的口语发音能力。所以,在英语口语教学中教师要重视对音标的教学,从而使学生全面地学习英语,最终增强自身的英语口语能力。本文以音标教学为例探讨初中英语口语教学模式,旨在增强学生的英语口语能力。  1. 音标教学与口语教学  随着社会的发展,当前的英语教学加强了对听力、口语的重视
高中英语阅读的难度加大,不但需要学生具备一定的英语词汇量,还需要学生具有比较好的逻辑推理能力。在英语考试中,英语阅读也成为影响学生英语成绩的主要原因,更是让很多学生感觉英语难学的重要因素。因此,师生都非常重视英语阅读训练。教师需要结合高中生的实际情况,采取有效的方法策略指导学生的英语阅读学习,让学生掌握阅读的技巧,增强自身的语言感知能力。下面结合教学案例,谈一下高中英语阅读教学的指导策略。  1.
语言是人类最重要的思维和交流工具,也是人们参与社会活动的重要条件。当今社会生活和经济活动日益全球化,外国语已经成为各国公民必备的基本素养之一。因此,学习和掌握外语,特别是英语,具有重要意义。  当前,随着我国的快速发展,英语的重要性更是日益突出。然而,英语教育教学的现状已经不能完全适应我国经济建设和社会发展的需要,与时代进步的要求还存在一定差距。这主要体现在:过分注重词汇和语法知识的讲解与传授,忽
现如今,我国的经济水平有了显著的提升,也逐渐提高了对教育的重视程度,在初中英语教学方面也是如此。随着新课程改革的颁布与实施,使得学生的学习主体地位得到了提升,也使教师转变教学理念、调整教学模式、丰富教学手段,从而突破传统教学模式的束缚。将角色扮演应用在初中英语会话教学中,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的自主学习能力,将被动学习转变为主动学习,提高初中英语的教学效率和质量。1. 角色扮演在初中英语