The Realization of Low Loop Voltage Start-up of HT-7 Tokamak Discharge with the Assistance of Lower

来源 :Plasma Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whbin139
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Low voltage start-up was realized in HT-7 discharges under the assistance of lower hybrid (LH) waves. The use of a strong LH wavet which can Change its N// spectrum in a large range of several milliseconds, made the loop voltage for start-up reduce from around 20 V to less than 5 V. It means that the electric field for HT-7 start-up decreases from 2.5-3 V/m to 0.6 V/m. Some physical phenomena such as the consumption of magnetic flux in start-up phase and the radiation from the initial plasma were observed in this kind of low voltage start-up discharges. Low voltage start-up was realized in HT-7 discharges under the assistance of lower hybrid (LH) waves. The use of a strong LH wavet which can Change its N // spectrum in a large range of several milliseconds, made the loop voltage for start-up reduce from around 20 V to less than 5 V. It means that the electric field for HT-7 start-up decreases from 2.5-3 V / m to 0.6 V / m. Some physical phenomena such as the consumption of magnetic flux in start-up phase and the radiation from the initial plasma were observed in this kind of low voltage start-up discharges.
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