在第二次国共合作的酝酿阶段,廖承志是中共中央党报委员会的秘书。但他认识到国共两党再次携手合作,对夺取抗日战争的胜利、挽救中华民族的危亡有巨大的现实意义,因此他不计较国民党右派杀父之仇的前隙,以民族大义为重,为促成第二次国共合作而奔走呼号。 1937年2月,国民党中央召开五届三中全会,宋庆龄、何香凝、冯玉祥等13人为力促国民党当局转变立
At the brewing stage of the second KMT-CPC cooperation, Liao Chengzhi was secretary of the party newspaper committee of the CPC Central Committee. However, he realized that once again the two parties work together to win the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and save the nation from danger, which is of tremendous practical significance. Therefore, he did not care about the front of the Kuomintang right to kill his father, Contributed to the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and went for a call sign. In February 1937, the Central Committee of the Kuomintang convened the Third Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Party Central Committee, and 13 people, including Soong Ching Ling, He Xiangning and Feng Yuxiang, urged the KMT authorities to change their positions