齐齐哈尔市医院分级管理工作,在黑龙江省卫生厅的指导下,在各医疗单位的共同努力下,本着“积极、稳妥、严谨、求实”的方针,从试点、扩大试点到全面铺开,现第一评审周期已基本完成。为了总结经验,找出差距,现将工作中的问题与体会浅谈如下:1基本情况 我市的医院分级管理工作起步早,基本分三个阶段进行。第一阶段从1988年到1990年,为探索阶段。此阶段是在没有省部颁标准的情况下进行的,在此期间市卫生局制定了《齐齐哈尔市医院分级管理标准》,对我市13所医疗单位进行了评审,第一次尝试了医院评审工作给卫生行政管理及医院管理带来的益处,使我市的医院管理工作初步走上了标准化、规范化、科学化管理的轨道;第二阶段从1990年到1991年,为试点阶段。1990年8月省卫生厅下发了文件,正式确定我市为黑龙江省医院分级管理唯一的试点城市,同时被列为国家卫
Under the guidance of the Department of Health of Heilongjiang Province, under the guidance of the Department of Health of Heilongjiang Province, the Qiqihar Hospital has been working on the principle of “proactive, safe, rigorous, and practical” under the joint efforts of various medical units, from trials, expansion of pilots to full development. The first review cycle has basically been completed. In order to sum up experience and identify gaps, we now discuss the issues and experiences in the work as follows: 1 Basic situation The city’s hospital grade management work started early and is basically divided into three phases. The first phase from 1988 to 1990 was the exploration phase. This stage was carried out without provincial standards. In the meantime, the Municipal Bureau of Health formulated the “Qiqihar Hospital Classification Management Standards”, reviewed the 13 medical institutions in the city, and tried the hospital for the first time. The benefits brought about by the work to health administration and hospital management led the hospital management work in our city to an initial stage of standardization, standardization, and scientific management. The second phase was from 1990 to 1991 as a pilot phase. In August 1990, the Provincial Department of Health issued a document to formally determine that the city is the only pilot city for the hierarchical management of Heilongjiang hospitals.