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2016年巴西奥运会世界瞩目,而场馆自然会成为讨论的热点话题,它的结构、外观、设计等,如同当年的“鸟巢”一般,媒体会在他们身上挖掘建筑的力与美。01这是一个神奇的专业提到建筑学专业,还在高三的学弟学妹们会想到什么呢?是一个个顶着安全帽在工地上忙碌的身影,还是天马行空、创造无限可能的设计者?建筑学专业,可以培养设计思想出 The focus of the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil will be the world’s attention. However, the venue will naturally become a hot topic for discussion. Its structure, appearance, design, etc. are like the “Bird’s Nest” in the past. The media will excavate the power and beauty of the buildings in them. 01 This is a magical professional referred to the architecture profession, is still the third year of school brother schoolmate who will think of it is one by one on the site wearing a helmet on the busy figure, or unpredictable, to create an infinite possible designer Architecture professional, you can cultivate the design ideas out
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采用有限元方法研究了球形弹丸对铝和碳酚醛平板靶冲击,给出了动态响应的理论计算和图形分析结果。 The impact of spherical projectile on aluminum and carbon phenolic f
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