
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shigaomin
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从不同的教学阶段观察,高中语文教学评价测试可分为两类:高一、高二阶段以评价文本教学效果为主,高三阶段以评价复习教学效果为主。前者是基于文本教学的评价测试,归为形成性测试;后者是基于高考试卷的评价测试,归于总结性测试。不同阶段的教学任务、教学目的不同,评价测试的内容及样式也应有所区别。因为面向高考的测试究其实是一种甄别考生等级的终结性评价,而在文本教学中,我们需要的是借助测试来监控、反馈 Observed from different stages of teaching, high school Chinese teaching evaluation test can be divided into two categories: high school, high school to evaluate the text-based teaching effectiveness, the third three stages to evaluate the effect of reviewing the main teaching. The former is based on text teaching evaluation test, classified as a formative test; the latter is based on the entrance examination papers evaluation test, attributed to the summary test. Different stages of teaching tasks, teaching purposes, evaluation of the content and style of testing should also be different. Because the test for college entrance examination is actually a final assessment of the level of candidates to distinguish candidates, and in text teaching, we need to use the test to monitor, feedback
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