1984年底,刘延伟退伍回到了家乡辽阳县水泉满族乡。那些日子,许多人见他当了几年兵,只带回了一身绿军装,一床军用被,便开玩笑说:“当了几年兵,收获蛮大的嘛。”对此,刘延伟又是一笑了之。他想,收获大不大,咱们走着瞧。不久,他便一头扎进食用菌生产开发上,闯出了一条科技致富之路,被县人武部评为“民兵科技致富标兵”。 水泉满族乡,地处辽阳县东部山区,人多地少,贫穷落后,吃饭要靠政府救济。刘延伟退伍返乡后看到家乡面貌依旧,而
By the end of 1984, Liu Yanwei returned to his hometown of Spring Manchu Township, Liaoyang County. In those days, many people saw him as a few years of soldiers, only brought back a green uniform, a military quilt, they joked: “When a few years the soldiers, reaping quite big thing.” In this regard, Liu Yanwei is Smile it. He thought it would be a big gain, let’s go and see. Soon, he plunged into edible fungus production and development, broke a road of science and technology to get rich, by the county armed forces as the “militia and science and technology rich model.” Water springs Manchu Township, is located in the eastern mountains of Liaoyang County, more people less, poor and backward, rely on government relief to eat. Liu Yanwei returned home to see the hometown appearance remains