【摘 要】
It is unavoidable that people write essays and quote ancient books. Some comrades in charge of newspapers and magazines are more conscientious. Before publishing a draft or asking an author to read a proof of school, he always urges: “Please check citations to avoid mistakes.” However, editors and comrades of most journals often fail to make manuscripts one by one The author checks, which requires a serious and responsible attitude of the people who write the article. Some authors study hard and cautiously, when writing essays diligent, even if the ancient books over
一、网络产品的供求分析 (一)网络产品的供给分析 网络产品具有高科技的特点,而高科技就意味着其需要长期的科研实践。其成本可想而知,不仅需要高额的资金输入,还需要一个高技术团队。网络产品前期的科研成本非常高,并且这种成本是“沉没成本”,一旦开始就无法撤回。但若是网络产品开发成功,它的后期成本也就是边际成本很低。在已有的网络服务器内,每增加一个访问者需要的成本很低,所以在高固定成本、低边际成本的模
For nearly 60 years, it has been the marke
由空军西安基地原政治部主任张国柱收藏的《毛泽东自传》,几经周折终于面世,现摘录其中一部分,以飨读者。 在第一章“一颗红星的幼年” 中,在介绍完毛泽东的家境后,书中写道
This is a contradictory book, a book that gives people a thought-provoking look.
Tuberculous otitis media is a rare disease,hence not often considered in the differential diagnosis of otorrhea.This results in late diagnosis with resulting co
Objective:To conducted a spatial analysis for stratification of priority malaria control areas in Kahnuj County,as part of field exercise.Methods:Information of
Objective:To evaluate factors associated with prevalence of malaria parasitaemia at first antenatal care visit.Methods:The study was conducted at the University
A U.S. company is planning to print the 24-filial piety story spread thousa