
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jnbosine
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富国强兵是中国古代国防经济思想的核心内容。富国与强兵是对立统一的关系,富国是强兵的基础,强兵是富国的保证,国富不等于兵强,忘战必危,好战必亡。富国强兵的具体措施是:富国先富民;寓兵于农,农战合一,屯垦实边;薄赋税,休养生息;发展工商业,加强物资储备等。对现实的启示是:以经济建设为中心,通过大力发展生产力以求富国;和平时期要加强国防观念,寓国防于国民经济之中,军民结合,平战结合等。 The Wealthy and Strong Soldiers Are the Core of China’s National Defense Economic Thought. The rich and the strong are antagonistic and unifying relations. The rich are the foundation of the strong army, the strong military is the guarantee of the rich nation, the rich is not equal to the military strength, the danger of forgetting the war, the war of mortal necessity. The concrete measures of the rich countries and strong soldiers include: enriching the country and enriching the people and enriching the people; integrating soldiers and peasants in agriculture and agriculture and warfare together, solidifying the realm of cultivation and reclamation; paying taxes in small amounts and recuperating; developing business and industry and strengthening material reserves. The enlightenment to reality is that economic development should be the center and vigorously develop productive forces in order to make the country rich. In peacetime, we should strengthen our concept of national defense, integrate national defense into the national economy, integrate the military and civilians, and combine peace with war.
【英国《国际核工程》1982年2月号报道】英国中央电力局发电研究和建造部前快堆设计工程师 W.B.凯米什在一次会议上曾对英国发展气冷快堆问题,发表演说。其主要内容摘译如下
本文是论述西方石油消费国对世界能源问题的反应的文章,应与上一篇沙特阿拉伯的财政和国民经济大臣的文章《石油价格展望》一文联系起来读。 This article is an article th
一氧化锰(以下简称 MnO_2)有许多种类的天然矿石以及化学地或电化学地制造的人工品种,这些品种的各种物理的、化学的以及电化学的性质,有显著差异。对种种 MnO_2 的物理性质
日本地少人多,人口密度大,资源缺乏。主要靠进口原材料、生产高质量产品、降低成本去占领和畅销于国际市场。 五十年代,由于战败,日本的工业比较落后。到了六十年代,已上升