A Paraphrase and Analysis on Abraham Cowley’s English Poem

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fulinbo
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  【Abstract】The poet applies many figures of speech into the poem “Drinking”, which gives us a vivid and animate impression.
  【Key words】drinking; figures of speech
  Everything in nature drinks, making the world lively and animate.The earth needs to drink, for the sun shines every day.Then it must be thirsty without water, and it opens mouth to drink from rains and other irrigated water.
  As the earth is offered the water, the plants growing in it require and receive water naturally.They constantly and happily suck the water in the earth fresh and fair.
  In regard to the sea, we consider it scarcely needs drinking.However, it drinks infinite rivers at all times, brimming with the waters.And this kind of drinking has formed the broad and extensive sea we see.
  Even as for the sun, its face appears drunken and fiery.Then people might guess that it is by reason of its busy drinking all the time, and it ‘drinks up’ the water evaporating from the sea.
  At the same time, the moon and the stars drink too.They ‘drink’ the light from the sun, dancing and reveling all night long.Everything in nature is found drunken, yet they are in good health energetically and vigorously for ever.They revolve day by day, or year by year without stop and halt.
  All the bowl and glasses are filled up, but why shouldn’t I quaff, carouse or drink freely while every other creature can? Man, who has the logic in mind and stands to reason, please tell me the whys.”
  Abraham Cowley has expressed his feeling towards drinking under the help of figures of speech, showing the poet’s complaints on being not able to drink freely.
  “The plants suck in the earth, and are with constant drinking fresh and fair”, alliteration becomes visible here, describing the pleasant mood of the plants when they drink joyfully.This has formed the comparison with the later gloomy temper of the poet.
  At the end of this poem, apostrophe is applied, giving voice to the poet’s dissatisfaction with joyless drinking.
  The whole poem has run through personification.Every creature pictured here---the earth, the plants, the sea, the sun, the moon and the stars, are personified vividly and vigorously.All of them are “drinking” all the while, adding vitality to the poem.
  Besides, the poet makes use of inversion as well, with “found” rhyming with “round” in the following in “Nothing in nature’s sober found, but an eternal health goes round”.Evidently the right order of this verse is “Nothing in nature is found sober, but an eternal health goes round”.This has enhanced the artistic effect, making the poem more glidingly and smoothly to read.
  On the whole, this poem gives us some juicy and lifesome pictures of the “drinking” creatures.Various figures of speech are bestowed as well, impressing us profoundly.It is truly an excellent poem being worth our appreciation.
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在英语中,不能作句子谓语,而是担任其他语法功能的动词,叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词有3种:动词不定式、动名词和分词。现将动词不定式的用法总结如下:  动词不定式的基本形式是“to 动词原形”,有时不能带to。它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语,但它具有名词、形容词、副词的特征,在句子中可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语和状语,它可以有自己的宾语和状语,并和其一起构成不定式短语,不定式的否
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我叫格雷迪。如果你对亚特兰大历史或文化有所了解,就会知道有很多东西,比如有家医院都叫这个名字。这些建筑是以18世纪的一位报社记者亨利·W.格雷迪的名字命名的,他在种族隔离盛行前便对此表示反对。我的父亲,一位新闻工作者,给我起名时在姓氏前加上了亨利·W。就这样,这个世上又多了一个叫亨利·W.格雷迪的人——我。  我没有走我父亲的那条老路。为了避免年纪轻轻就蹲一年监狱,我接受了在美国军队服役的机会。部
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