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鲁迅一生致力于通过文学、文化活动改造愚昧落后的国民性,促使保守落后的中国社会与传统文化向着进步的光明的方向转变。为此,他为自己设定了一个大致的“捣乱”边界:尽可能地不直接同权势者发生正面冲突,以便使自己存活下来,并能够坚持“韧性的战斗”。除了改造国民性这一目标的艰巨性和长期性以外,统治者的残暴、对“不可再造的”个体生命价值的珍视以及庸众的“看客”心态等等也是他采取这一策略的重要原因。 Throughout his life, Lu Xun devoted himself to transforming the ignorant and backward nationality through literary and cultural activities and transforming the conservative and backward Chinese society and traditional culture toward a bright and progressive direction. To this end, he has set himself a general border of “troublemaking”: direct confrontation with the most powerful as far as possible in order to survive, and to adhere to the “tough battle.” In addition to the arduousness and long-term nature of the goal of transforming the nationality, he also adopted the ruthlessness of the rulers, the value of the individual’s worth of life as a “non-reusable” individual, and the mentality of the “audiences” An important reason for strategy.
We studied five strains of psychrotolerant Bacillus cereus(B.cereus)isolated from Antarctic snow(BCsn),ice(BCic),lake water(BCwr),sediment(BCsd),and soil(BCsl)s
1前言 对于油罐及输油管道内壁防腐,国内外大多采用防商涂料,也有采用阴极保护或联合保护等其它方法的,而防腐涂料无论是单独使用,还是与其它方法联合使用,一直是最通用的。油罐防
【正】 赵紫阳总理在六届全国人大二次会议上所作的《政府工作报告》中指出:“重庆等地把省的二级批发站与市的专业批发公司合并,同时,建立了工业品贸易中心,实行大量批发与
Since 2002,we have been observing the mesosphere and lower thermosphere(MLT)region over King Sejong Station(KSS;62.22°S,58.78°W),Antarctica,using vari
Random mutagenesis is commonly used to study gene function.The screening of mutants exhibiting specific phenotypes assists in the identification of phenotype-re