Supply Chain-oriented E-maintenance Management Modes

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangdod
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Maintenance plays an important role in acquiring cost and service advantage for an enterprise.A supply chain-oriented e-maintenance management mode is presented as a new thought on equipment maintenance on the basis of analyzing the importance of maintenance and the characteristics of current maintenance modes.The mode allies personnel and organizations related to plant in order to construct the dynamic alliance of failure diagnosis and maintenance;through optimized deployment of maintenance resources and management of maintenance flow,the maximization of maintenance profit is realized.This paper analyzes the current multi-agent technology,and multi-agent technology is adopted to construct resource negotiation and a problem-resolving negotiation mechanism in an e-maintenance supply chain.At the same time,an agent negotiation process of resource deployment and harmony is analyzed.Finally,the key technologies realizing e-maintenance based on a supply chain environment are analyzed,which can realize the coordination,effectiveness and agility of an e-maintenance supply chain. Maintenance plays an important role in acquiring cost and service advantage for an enterprise. A supply chain-oriented e-maintenance management mode is presented as a new thought on equipment maintenance on the basis of analyzing the importance of maintenance and the characteristics of current maintenance modes The mode allies personnel and organizations related to plant in order to construct the dynamic alliance of failure diagnosis and maintenance; through optimized deployment of maintenance resources and management of maintenance flow, the maximization of maintenance profit is realized. This paper analyzes the current multi- agent technology, and multi-agent technology is adopted to construct resource negotiation and a problem-resolving negotiation mechanism in an e-maintenance supply chain. At the same time, an agent negotiation process of resource deployment and harmony is analyzed. technologies realizing e-maintenance based on a supply chain environment are which, can realize the coordination, effectiveness and agility of an e-maintenance supply chain.
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